from [ Marc Abrams (990712.1541) ]
[From Rick Marken (990712.1300)]
I am not interested in a top down or bottom up approach to model
development. I interested data-based model development. I'm not
particularly interested in discussing the details of B:CP
fig 15-3 (or any other aspect of Bill's memory model); I am
interested in discussing the data that the model explains.
Sounds very noble. You can explain the entire world as one large collection
of atoms and say everything else is immaterial. For you that might be ok. I
would not be satisfied with stopping there. The same holds true for the PCT
model. You might be very happy and content with what it already explains.
You might feel that nothing else need to be done. ( I am not trying to be
cute or vacious here ) I am not you. When I read Chap 15 it piqued my
interest. Why?, because as Bill pointed out on pg. 217 "Once it is noticed
that the model lacks this ability ( perceptual remembering and to reproduce
past perceptual situations through actions ) one sees how essential it is".
He then went on explained about some of the problems inherit in fig 15-2 and
showed a couple of examples of what he meant. It seemed reasonable and
plausible. The next question I had was, has this been tested? I came on the
net and asked if in fact this was the current thinking and if in fact there
was anything more current with regard to PCT. I was then further surprised
when I went into the archives and saw _no_ discussions about Bill's
proposals. The same mind that produced the "basic" model produced these
proposals. He emphatically stated that these were in fact ideas, not based
on anything other then thoughts he had on the matter. My thinking was and is
, Gee they ( the proposals ) deserve to be tested. they certainly bring a
new twist to the story. So my question remains. If Bill's initial proposal
the PCT "Control mode" model ) was in fact tested. Why haven't his other
proposals been given the same treatment. That's what I would like to do. Or
at least try to do.
Rick, what comes first the data or the model? How do you know what kind of
data you need? How do you know what your model should look like? What is
your working hypothesis about memory and what does it cover ( i.e.
remembering, imagining, etc. ) Isn't the model a working hypothesis to be
tested and validated? So right now do you have a memory model model or data.
If you do have the memory data, please explain the model or experiment that
generated it.
I am interested in _phenomena_; not models per se. Models are
interesting to me only when they explain (with quantitative
precision) phenomena.
Is memory a part of the phenomenon your interested in?
PCT is interesting to me only because it
explains the phenomenon of purposeful behavior; it also explains
why purposeful behavior can _appear_ to be a response to stimulation,
an action selected by consequences or an output generated on the
basis of a cognitive map or plan.
Don't disagree, but all of this is a lot less interesting without the memory
I thought that you, too, were interested in looking at data. When
I said:
> I think issac was encouraging us to present proposals for
> empirical tests of Bill's hypotheses about how memory and
> imagination work.
You answered with:
>And what am I asking for?
I thought you were rhetorically saying that what you were asking
for is proposals for empirical tests of Bill's model of how memory
works; so I gave such a proposal. If you don't like my proposal
(and you don't seem to) then why not suggest an alternative?
I was asking for empirical tests. Tests that tested the _4_ proposals not
just the one ( "control mode" ) that has been done a thousand times. I gave
one possible test in a post to Bruce Gregory. I am also looking into the
feasability of doing a litlle bit of modeling. But before _any_ of this is
done I think we need to come to some type of agreement on what the
phenomenon is. Bruce Gregory has brought up an important aspect
( awareness ) How should this be included?
Did you fill in the diagrams? These diagrams will at least put us all on the
same page with regard to what we are talking about. It's not an answer, but
it is a beginning. To those I sent the diagrams to please return the
finished ones to me in a zip file. i will then put them all together and
ship out all of them to everyone who submitted one. It will give us a basis
for dicussion and coming to some type of understanding with regard to Bill's
I am not ignoring you. I am ignoring a discussion of a model
of memory that is not based on data. Such discussions are as
interesting to me as discussions about the number of angels
that can dance on the head of a pin.
Sorry friend. When _I_ ask _you_ a question and you don't respond to _me_
either privately or publiclly, your ignoring me. I wasn't asking general
questions to the net. Maybe, as someone has suggested to me, my expectations
are to high with regard to communicating on the net. He's probably right.