from [Erling Jorgensen (990716.0235 CDT)]
Some of the recent discussion prompted by Bruce Gregory's
{990714.1305 EDT) thread on Looking for Trouble got me to
thinking about causality.
from a systemic standpoint, I'm not sure "cause" is a very
helpful word in talking about control systems. It all depends
on which portion of the system you are considering at the moment.
a) Every snippet of the control loop can be thought of as
propagating a signal, and in that sense it has a (causal)
input and a (resulting) output. To the extent that we in
CSG analyze in this black box fashion, we usually focus on
the "nodes" of the control loop, i.e., the comparator function,
the output function, the perceptual input function (PIF), and
occasionally the environmental feedback function.
Aside: Regardless of how many actual neurons, evoked potentials,
graded potentials, membrane permeability, etc. may actually be
involved, and whether the signals are meeting in ganglia or
other types of neural tissue, the Comparator has been elegantly
modeled as having two net inputs with inverted signs --
reference and perceptual signals respectively -- and one net
output, the error signal. In a sense, the interaction of
reference and perception "cause" the error, but that's not
the best way to think about it.
2nd Aside: Some have spoken of the error signal "causing" the
output or action of a control system, but that again seems to
cut the loop into snippets. The output function has been
powerfully modeled (in the tracking demos) as an integrating
function, requiring not only the reference-minus-perception
input, but a multiplier constant representing gain, a
multiplier constant representing a slowing factor (I think
that's the "leaky" part of the integrator), and the previous
output of the function as a new input! What's the "cause"
in all of this, or is that not the right concept to impose
on control systems?
3rd Aside: Apart from some weighted sums, and applying some
logical operators, I have seen almost no modeling of different
types of perceptual input functions. If Bill's suggestion
about hierarchical levels of perception is a useful launching
point (and I think it is), then theoretically there should be
ten or eleven qualitatively distinct ways of modeling PIF's.
The actual neural computations of perceptions are undoubtedly
incredibly more complex, but for a model all we would need to
begin empirically testing of its concepts is to reproduce some
essential feature of a postulated level of perception. For
instance, the essence of a Transition, to my way of thinking,
is the simultaneous experience of variance mapped against
invariance. An Event is a series of transitions framed --
one might almost say arbitrarily -- with a beginning and an
end. So an event control system (again, as I conceive it)
is the one that does "framing", but to test whether such
perceptions can be constructed and stabilized against
disturbances, we first need measurable models of variants
and invariants mapped against each other. Such complexities
are beyond my current modeling abilities, (not to mention
the point Bill has raised about getting the right dynamic
equations to model the environmental forces on the computer.)
b) We can also consider a single control loop "in isolation,"
and ask whether causality is a helpful concept there. The rules
change (and so should the concepts) when you close the loop. In
one sense, every part of the loop is a cause of every other part.
The corollary to this is that every part of a closed loop is a
cause of itself! Some theories like to respond with the idea of
"circular causality," but I think Rick is right that it often
just amounts to linear causality chasing itself incrementally
around the circle. The fundamental idea of accumulating
integrating functions (with all their ramifications) doesn't
seem to enter the picture. It seems better to think of the
organization of components itself, not some event occuring
within it, as the effective cause.
c) We can move the zoom focus slightly farther out and consider
a single control loop together with its inputs. As the basic
model now stands, every loop has only two inputs from outside
itself -- one from inside the organism, the reference signal
(which, again, can be modeled as the net effect of whatever
neural and chemical processes actually bring it about), and one
from outside the organism, the (net) disturbance. A traditional
view of causality would say that the reference and the disturbance
are the only two candidates for being a "cause," and in a sense
we in CSG accept that.
But by quantifying the relations in the loop into equations,
Bill et al. have been able to say something much more precise
about these external causes. Only the reference is an effective
cause of the stabilized state of the perceptual input quantity.
Any causal effect from the disturbance on that quantity is
neutralized by the negative feedback action of the loop. The
cost is that the disturbance becomes an effective cause (in
inverted form) of the behavioral output. [This latter point
seems to be what Herbert Simon was referring to in his quote
about the behavior of ants, that was hotly debated awhile back
on CSGNet.]
d) We can move even further back and look at more of the
hierarchy, as it's currently proposed to operate. Here almost
every control loop is embedded in a network of control loops
"above" it and "below" it. So in one sense, higher loops
"cause" it to operate by providing changing reference signals,
and it "causes" lower level loops to control by the same
mechanism. I deliberately say "higher loops", plural, and I
mean it in two senses. For one thing, many loops at the next
higher level can be contributing to the net reference signal
of a loop at the next lower level, so perhaps all those loops
are causal. But we can also speak of proximal and distal causes,
and include each relevant loop all the way up the hierarchy as
a "cause" of a given low-level loops' operation. This is why I
have no problem considering "attending a meeting" as one (distal)
cause of contracting a given muscle on the way to the garage.
Just as closing the loop changes the notion of causality, so
does embedding everything in a network.
e) Sticking with this hierarchical vantage point for one more
iteration (if you've stuck with me this far!), it needs to be
emphasized that the interaction between levels does not occur
by intact loops sending signals to other intact loops below
them. Rather, those lower level loops are _part of the
structure_, part of the loop itself, of the higher level.
Remember, all loops are closed through the environment --
(other than the "imagination switch," if we can figure out a
way to get it to function!) -- which means that higher loops
have the longest (and slowest) path to travel to achieve
their control. And they only achieve it if the lower level
loops to which they contribute are achieving sufficient
control of their own variables.
So maybe this reflection has come full circle (sorry about
the pun, but it fits!), in that when higher levels "cause"
lower level perceptions to become stabilized, they are simply
causing their own control to happen. Basically, I think we
have two choices for using causality in a way that reminds
us (instead of deflecting us) about how control loops operate.
1) Either we allow this reflexive notion of "self-causality"
to be part and parcel of how we use the term -- which means
processes in the loop are always in a time relationship
with themselves, as well as always functioning and embedded
in higher and lower loops.
Or 2) we say causality cannot be determined apart from the
organizational structure that one is considering. In essence,
it is not a relationship among events that pass through the
loop, but rather a property of the organization itself. The
answer to "what's causing this action?" is the same as to "what's
causing this perception?" It is the fact that these components
are organized into the functional form of a control system. So
to learn about causes, you can't stick with the events. You have
to learn -- what does the system (specifically as a system) do.
All the best to anyone still reading!