Chris Bory anmd Heather Bell

[From Bill Powers (2009.03.23.1616 MDT)]

Chris Bory (2009.03.22.1630 EST)
Heather Bell (2009.23.03.10:06)

Delighted to have you aboard. As both of you have seen, I'm not alone in welcoming you and enjoying hearing about your discovery of PCT. We've put off this year's CSG meeting until next year while we see what becomes of the move toward an international organization, but when we do meet again I hope both of you can get money to attend and present papers.

You've arrived in the middle of one of those rather testy discussions that crops up now and then on CSGnet. We go a little stir-crazy here at times, perhaps from spending too much time taliing to each other and not enough out in the real world. But don't doubt the committment by all involved to PCT. Most of the people you see writing have been propping me up for 20 years or more -- Dick Robertson signed on in 1957, if you can believe it -- 52 years ago, before I was sure what I was trying to do. Chris and Heather, you're like grandchildren -- smart ones -- to a lot of us. Love you both. We'll give you all the help we can.


Bill P.