
<[Bill Leach 950726.22:24 U.S. Eastern Time Zone]


Methinks that contact with Tom Bourbon may be detrimental to one's
internect connection!

Tom himself seemed to have great troubles with his own access; I noticed
that Bill P. was unable to access the net while Tom was visiting and I
have not been able to access the net since meeting Tom!

Actually, I am sending this "blind" as I have been unable to make any
contact with the listserver... someday maybe?


Tom Bourbon [950727.1343]

<[Bill Leach 950726.22:24 U.S. Eastern Time Zone]


Methinks that contact with Tom Bourbon may be detrimental to one's
internect connection!

How true!

Tom himself seemed to have great troubles with his own access; I noticed
that Bill P. was unable to access the net while Tom was visiting and I
have not been able to access the net since meeting Tom!

I don't think I have received everything posted on the net since Monday.
Also, ever since I posted a reply to Brian Gaines, the "reply" mode on
Eudora has been acting up. This reply is the first one since then for which
Eudora has let me type more than 8-12 characters on the first line without
locking up so that nothing else I typed showed up on the screen.

Actually, I am sending this "blind" as I have been unable to make any
contact with the listserver... someday maybe?

Maybe I'm the carrier for some sort of virtual social disease. If so,
before long the entire list will be typing and posting blind. Open loop for
everyone! That should be great fun!

