Contacts in Speech Perception Research

Dear Colleagues,

I have been following the CSGnet now for a while
with increasing interest (the problem is the 30
mails waiting each morning).

I work as a research engineer in the
Centre of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University
of Turku in South-West Finland. My own research
interests lie in speech and music perception.
Our research tools include EEG, signal detection theory,
and PET.

With a background in biomedical engineering (with some
training in control theory, too) the PCT appeals me.
I kindly ask anybody for sending their works on auditory
perception & PCT.

We have just replicated Patricia Kuhl's
work (Perception&Psychophysics, 1991 and Science, Jan 1992)
on "perceptual magnet effect". We found, however, that the
phenomenon - though existing - is not that simple she states.
I feel PCT could offer some ideas for the discussion of our
results, just have to familiarize myself with PCT.

Osmo Eerola
Chief Laboratory Engineer
Centre of Cognitive Neuroscience
University of Turku

address: Electro-City building
         20520 Turku

fax: +358 21 633 8770
phone: + 358 21 633 8773
