[From Rick Marken (931025.1400)]
Bill Powers (931024.1430) replies calmly and coherently
to Hal Pepinski (931024.1200), showing how far I (who
typically responds like an S-R device -- better known as a
loose canon) still have to go to REALLY understand my
own PCT-nature. Among the many gems in Bill's post:
If you can behave according to your "tetrahedonal form," you are
controlling. There's no way around it.
Conflicts disappear because they become irrelevant.
Reorganization is random, unpredictable, unaimed. It's inventive,
creative. It's what we do when rational or habitual ways of
behaving fail us, cause trouble where they were supposed to
save us from trouble.
I think that among the things you teach, you're trying to get
people to accept reorganization as a natural aspect of life.
While reading these wonderful thoughts, so readily accessible on
the net, I was reminded of "the old days" (pre CSG and CSGNet)
when I had to search though libraries like crazy to find even the
smallest tidbits of W. T. Powers. When I read stuff like this
on the net I want to kneel down and give thanks to the net god,
the inscrutable Cziko.
Bill Powers (931025.0900 MDT)--
Extrapolating mercilessly, this means that roughly 500
million people are capable of rational and honest thought.
All you have to do is search them out. Ten percent of the human
race is more than enough to save it.
Ah, I feel better already. And when I find them I'll have them
all over to my place for dinner.
Rational and honest thought. Yes, that would be nice.
Bruce Nevin --
Are you going to respond to my (931022.1530) post? It is the
one in which I asked if you would clarify what you meant by
the following:
Bruce Nevin (Fri 931022 15:47:47 EDT) --
The discreteness of words is due, ultimately, to the way phonemic
contrasts exhaustively partition the available articulatory space
(and associated acoustic space).