[From Bill Powers (981016.0256 MDT)]
Bruce Abbott (981015.1840 EST)--
is, they seem to have no awareness of the existence of _controlled
Bruce A:
Come off it, Rick. You can't understand how control systems operate without
knowing that.
Would that that were true. I have never seen a text on control systems that
taught the idea that control systems control perceptual signals first, and
external variables only incidentally. In fact, the idea of controlling
inputs is not part of engineering control theory, as far as I know. In PCT,
as I hope you know, Bruce, controlled variables are defined by perceptual
input functions and have no _a priori_ definitions independent of perception.
To Rick, I must say that engineers certainly do think in terms of
controlled variables, but the variables that are controlled are not
specifically linked to the control system's internal representations of
them. They are linked to the _user's_ or _observer's_ perceptions, not the
control system's. This can work because the engineer designing the system
knows what is actually being controlled; the control system does not have
to contain any specific or explicit perception of it. If the feedback
signal is not a direct representation of the controlled quantity (and very
often it is not), filters can be added elsewhere in the system to
compensate. One common place to insert a filter is between the reference
"input" and the comparator, so the signal actually reaching the comparator
is _not_ representative of the desired state of the "output." It is
modified so that when the distorted feedback signal matches it, the
controlled variable in the environment will match the reference input prior
to the filter rather than the input to the comparator. I have always
thought this rather a strange way to design a control system, but maybe I'm
the strange one for not seeing why it's done this way. My uncharitable
guess is that the design engineer had a rather confused conception of how
control works and just started the design in the middle, compensating for
mistakes as he went.
The PCT model evolved as I tried to understand how engineers' control
systems were designed, and worked out some general principles that seemed
to apply across the board. The idea of control of input came from a book on
analog computing that pointed out the way an operational amplifier kept its
own negative input terminal at the same voltage as the positive input
terminal, through the feedback connection. The idea of controlling
_perceptual_ representations arose from seeing how sensors and signals from
sensors actually entered into the operation of real control systems, and
how malfunctions in sensors (such as unwanted thermal sensitivity) altered
the performance of control systems.
Early in the development of control theory, control systems were designed
in a simple and straightforward way, with the controlled variable being
represented by a straightforward sensor signal, and the reference signal
being an actual example of the desired value of the sensor signal. The
Honeywell strip-chart recorder was designed this way. But I think that too
much mathematics got into the act. From the mathematical point of view, it
makes no difference whether you use a distorted feedback signal and then
compensate for the distortion by altering the reference input (or some
other part of the system) in the proper way -- the way that the external
observer or designer could see was proper. There was no idea of making the
design into a model of human behavior; all that mattered was getting the
right objective variable under control.
This is, I think, why engineering control theory did not immediately become
a new model for psychologists to use. The designs were not set up for
correpondence with the physical parts of human control systems -- at least
by the time cybernetics came around. The PCT model is not just an
"adaptation" of the engineering model: it's a _rationalized_ version that
makes the functions appropriate to the human system, and shows clearly how
the parts work together to achieve control. In many engineering designs
that is not at all obvious, even to other engineers.
Bill P.