Controlling for Rick Marken

[from Chris Kitzke 950829.2000]

My fear of improper netiquette was less than my fear of losing Rick. Is my
perception true that all is not roses in CSG Land? Or is this all a joke?
If Rick is still in the Social Skills Room, I hope he is learning how to
behave ; ) See what happens, Rick, when you try to learn and ask the wrong
questions? I did quite admire the nice sense of humor amid serious
discussion/presentation in Durango, and would not want Rick to stop
participating. He has spent a lot of time on PCT.

Are we not all controlling our perceptions? Even when we disagree on the
net? Or have we forgotten that this is what everyone is doing all the time?
Have we been presuming others perceptions/wants without asking? Is it a
misperception of mine that an understanding of PCT leads to less stress and a
stronger ability to deal with others for some good?

Rick Marken (950827.1030)
<<Interesting, isn't it, how we look at interactions between control systems
with a particular bias?>>

Would it be desirable to do this without a bias? Is it even possible, since
we all have different perceptions, wants and experiences?

People seem to behave the same way whether you explain their behavior with
PCT or some other theory. I have been asking myself what good is learning
PCT unless is is of some use. Maybe you can't use it as a method and expect
a particular set of results. That would be cause/effect. I like what Ed is
doing with the schools very much. If it is not PCT, then it is just Ed, and
he deserves a lot of personal credit. He should be very happy.

The theory seems to explain but not predict. So it gives one less confusion
when trying to understand behavior. Does anyone think one can use PCT to
help people change for the better (to get what they want)?

Seeing if I can contribute,

Chris Kitzke