
[From Bill Powers (2003.08.02.1643 MDT)]

People downloading my multiple-control-system program (called
"control3.exe" because it started out with three systems) are getting a
"graphics not initialized" error. This is because the Borland Graphics
Interface file,
SVGA.BGI, is not present. The new version, now on my web page, supplies
that file, and notes that it must be in the same directory (folder) as the
executable file control3.exe.

The old version expected to find the BGI file in the directory c:\tp\bgi,
so those of you who have that directory with svga.bgi in it are able to run
the old version of the program. If you elect to use the new version you
will have to copy that bgi file into the directory where control3.exe is.

I hope to convert this and other programs to Delphi, which will do away
with this annoying and repeated problem. Sorry for the trouble.


Bill P.