Counter-Control, Moderation and Grand Guignol

[From Rick Marken (2004.03.24.1000)]

Michelle Ivers (2004.03.24. 0900 EST)

Rick Marken (2004.03.23.0900)

I don't believe it is possible to design a control system that
controls but cannot be controlled.

I actually said that we are designed to control our perceptions rather
than BE controlled by others.

You may be right about the designer's intent. But there is really no way to
know what the designer's intent actually was or whether there even was a
designer. I was describing the situation on the ground, so to speak. The
living control systems that we see all around us, whether designed or the
result of evolutionary processes (the latter being far more plausible) can
be controlled. If there was a designer (or a board of designers, as in
Greek mythology), the intent might have been to produce systems that control
their perceptions rather than BE controlled by others. But what was
actually produced was systems that control their perceptions _and_ that can
BE controlled by others. Of course, if the designer knew PCT he or she would
have known that this is the way input control systems work.

Wouldn't you agree then that as control systems we
don't like being controlled?

This is often true, particularly in cases where someone is trying to
directly control the state of another person's controlled variables. But I
gave examples of cases where control (of actions via disturbance) is not
minded at all, as in giving change for a five.

Controlling what other people say (and do) seems like exactly the
kind of thing control systems would do.

I'm not sure how you think you can control what others say and do. In
my opinion, you can attempt to affect another control system, you can
create a disturbance for it, you can be part of its feedback function, but I
don't see how you can CONTROL someone else. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Controlling someone else means controlling the perceptual variables they are
controlling or controlling their actions via disturbance to the perceptual
variables controlled by those actions. Controlling another person's
controlled variables can only be done using force or the threat thereof.
Control of another person's outputs, however, can be quite easy. If you
have ever done the rubber band demo you know that your finger can be moved
where the experimenter wants it as long as you are controlling the position
of the knot. When the experimenter moves your finger in this way, he or she
is controlling your behavior (specifically, controlling where you place your

Rick, I made no comment as the the "OK-ness" of Bill Williams'
comments. My only comment was that he stated clearly that "it
seems to me". (his perception). If your perception of me is
that I'm an 'ignorant slut' for disagreeing with you then that's
ok. (After all, its only your perception Rick, and that doesn't
really matter a whole lot to me.)

Of course it's not my perception. I used the term "ignorant slut" in a
question about how you would feel _if_ I had said such a thing to you. What
I asked was "If I said that it is my perception that Michelle Ivers is an
ignorant slut... would I be immune from criticism for having said it?" The
point was that just because I say that something is _my perception_ doesn't
make it any less hurtful to you or less contemptible for me to have said it.
You were justifying Bill Williams' name calling by saying it was" just his
perception". I think I made my point because you are obviously offended even
by my hypothetical and you would properly, I think) judge it to have been
contemptible if I had said it to you.

Whether it comes from a SNL skit or not (the fact that you didn't
think I'd get the reference anyway), says to me that I've probably
caused you a great deal of disturbance.

You sure did. I found it very disturbing, not only to see someone defending
Bill Williams' despicable behavior, but doing it using pseudo-PCT jargon
("it's just his perception"). I asked how you would feel if I called you an
"ignorant slut" (Bill Williams has called me much worse, with great glee and
relish) to try to get you to see that these kinds of things hurt. My
hypothetical shows that _if_ I had said that it's just my perception that
you are an ignorant slut, it would not make my having called you that any
less hurtful to you (or any less acceptable for me to have said it).

I think you've got me wrong here Rick. I don't have any references
about how other people behave.

I think you've got yourself wrong. You, like every other human being, have
references for the way other people behave. Do you care whether or not
people kill and steal? If so, then you've got references for how other
people behave. Have you ever stopped a fist fight between two kids? If so,
you've got references for the way other people behave.

I disagree with you here Rick. Counter-control occurs when you (I)
have a reference about another control system doing something.

There's more to it than that. You also have to act, by disturbing a variable
that the system is controlling, to get the system to act in a way that
matches your reference.

Eg. You appear to want people to act a certain way when posting to
this forum. You have made your references for this very clear to It only
takes one all who read. or two people to post in a manner that is contrary
to your references and you are the one being counter-controlled.

That's true if people have actually posted in a manner aimed at getting me
to reply in a way that matches _their_ reference.

Over the last few months, it has been really easy to create disturbances
for you.

You must not have been around for long. For many years on this net it has
been easy for people to create disturbances to the variables I'm controlling
for. All someone has to do is say uninformed things about PCT, for example,
and I'm off to the races. This makes me eminently counter-controllable. If
you want to control for hearing me carry on about counter-control, for
example, all you have to do is say something like "we are designed to
control our perceptions rather than BE controlled by others".

(I would suggest that Bill Williams picked up on that quite quickly.)

Bill Williams is only one of many who can successfully jerk my chain
(another way of saying "counter-control"). Bill W. is particularly good at
it because he disturbs so many of the perceptions I control: my perception
of PCT, of science and of my self. If Bill (and many others) are posting
their "disturbances" in order to see me reply in certain ways, then I am,
indeed, being counter-controlled. But there is no harm to me from this
counter-control. People may enjoy seeing me do what they want and gloat over
their control of me. But that's no skin off my teeth.

I think a nice, clear analogy to what may be going on on this list is what
happens in Westerns when the bad guy shoots at the good guy's boots and says
"dance". The good guy "dances" by jumping up and down to avoid being shot.
This is counter-control. The bad guy is able to control the good guy's
behavior ("dancing") because he knows that the good guy is controlling for
not being shot in the foot. The good guy can avoid this counter-control by
changing his reference for being shot in the foot, but this could be quite a
painful way to avoid the far lest painful "dancing" that is done at the bad
guy's behest.

On the net, people can control my behavior, making me "dance" in the form of
replies to their taunts, by taking advantage of the fact that I am
controlling for how people perceive my self and my work. So a person like
Bill Williams can say things like "Rick is delusional" or "Rick's work is a
giant leap in the wrong direction" and then watch me "dance" by posting
replies in the form of explanations of my work and criticisms of his. If
Bill's goal is to see me respond in this way, then he is definitely
counter-controlling me. My replies probably look like desperate attempts to
justify my own existence and my apparent desperation probably makes the
counter-controller happy (just as the dancing good guy makes the bad guy
happy). To avoid being counter-controlled in this way, I could either give
up the goal of preserving my scientific reputation (which is like accepting
the shots in the foot, and I'm not signing up for that), avoid the bad guys
(the course I took for a while) or get a sheriff to kick the bad guys out of
town. My current preference is for the latter.

The only way to avoid counter-control, as far as I
know, is to not control at all.

See above, the way to avoid counter-control is to stop having
references about other people doing things.

Right. That's what I said. You can avoid counter-control by no longer
controlling for what allows you to be counter-controlled. This is certainly
an option if avoidance of counter-control is important to you. But some
references, like the reference for not getting shot and not getting smeared,
are difficult to give up. The hurt caused by giving up my reference for a
correct understanding of PCT, for example, would be far greater than the
non-existent hurt that might result from me knowing that everything I am
saying is exactly what some counter-controller wants me to say.

I would probably be more inclined to say that I was controlling for
owning the $1.50 item, and that I gave over my $5.00 bill so that
I could control the perception of me owning the $1.50 item. When
I go into the shop, I'm not controlling for getting X amount of change.
I'm controlling for purchasing the item, window shopping etc.

But you are counter-controlling for getting $3.50 in change when you pay $5
for a $1.50 item. This counter-controlling would become obvious if the
salesperson did not hand you back $3.50. In that case, you would act (by
saying something like "I gave you a five, didn't I?") to get that to happen.

So it was Bill Williams who 'made' you type nasty comments and send
them to this forum?

I think it was Bill Williams who made the nasty comments. I replied to some
of those remarks but I don't believe my replies were nasty. But this is
another nice result bullies get from taunting people. When the victim
resists, the victim is seen as being nasty, at least by those who sympathize
with the bully. And often the victim does resort to nasty tactics to resist
the bully. I didn't, but it really doesn't matter. Any resistance by the
victim of bullying will be seen as nastiness by the cohorts of the bully.
This is another reason why I would like a moderated list. Once you get rid
of the bullying and ignorance, you also get rid of the interminable replies
(like this very post) to it.

So your friend from grad school would like to see you refering to me
as an 'ignorant slut' on a supposedly professional forum? Given that
I'm certain you don't even know who I am or where I'm from, I fail to
see how this is raising the general level of discussion on CSGNet.

If the net were moderated as I would want it to be, it would be clear to the
moderator that I was not calling you an ignorant slut any more than Bill
Powers was calling RTP teachers terrorists back in 1998 (Bill used terrorist
threats like "If you don't meet my demands the death of these hostages is
your responsibility" to illustrate how people deny responsibility for their
own coercive acts). The moderator would see comments like yours above ---
aimed at making it seem as though illustrations, such as my "ignorant slut"
question, are personal slanders -- as the actual slanders and would keep
them off the net. If the list had been moderated like this back in 1998, the
ugly fight over whether Bill slandered RTP would never have happened.
Instead, there would have been an intelligent and informative discussion of
the nature of control, coercion and responsibility.

Again Rick, that's only your perception of things. For example, I
wonder how many readers would agree with the language you used in this email
as being on a par with 'maintaining the quality' on here.

I'm sure that there are many who would find my illustration completely
offensive. And I would bet that every one of them would be people, like
yourself, who see nothing wrong with Bill Williams' personal attacks on Bill
Powers and me, which were real attacks and not illustrations.

And would I be correct in guessing that you would consider yourself as
such a qualified moderator?

You would, indeed.

If a moderator rejected one of your emails Rick,
would you continue to feel the same way?

Only if the moderator were a person like the one I described: one with
demonstrated competence in PCT modeling, research and applications. Right
now I can think of very few people who I would recognize as filling that
bill. If any one of the people I'm thinking of (including myself) rejected
one of my e-mails I would be perfectly comfortable with that.



Richard S. Marken
Home: 310 474 0313
Cell: 310 729 1400

From[Bill Williams 24 March 2004 12:10 PM CST]

[From Rick Marken (2004.03.24.1000)] says, in commenting on

> Michelle Ivers (2004.03.24. 0900 EST)

who said , that,

> Rick, I made no comment as the the "OK-ness" of Bill Williams'
> comments. My only comment was that he stated clearly that "it
> seems to me". (his perception). If your perception of me is
> that I'm an 'ignorant slut' for disagreeing with you then that's
> ok. (After all, its only your perception Rick, and that doesn't
> really matter a whole lot to me.)

Of course it's not my perception. I used the term "ignorant slut" in a
question about how you would feel _if_ I had said such a thing to you.


I asked was "If I said that it is my perception that Michelle Ivers is an
ignorant slut... would I be immune from criticism for having said it?" The
point was that just because I say that something is _my perception_


make it any less hurtful to you or less contemptible for me to have said


You were justifying Bill Williams' name calling by saying it was" just his
perception". I think I made my point because you are obviously offended


by my hypothetical and you would properly, I think) judge it to have been
contemptible if I had said it to you.

> Whether it comes from a SNL skit or not (the fact that you didn't
> think I'd get the reference anyway), says to me that I've probably
> caused you a great deal of disturbance.

You sure did. I found it very disturbing, not only to see someone


Bill Williams' despicable behavior,

Rick, you are simply not getting the point. Whether or not my behavior is
"dispicable" is a product of the reference levels that you have choosen.

I would suggest that you ask yourself why I have been so successfull in
creating a massive disturbance for you, and you have had so very little
success in creating a disturbance for me.

Bill Williams

[From Rick Marken (2004.03.24.1410)]

Bill Williams (24 March 2004 12:10 PM CST) --

Rick, you are simply not getting the point. Whether or not my behavior is
"dispicable" is a product of the reference levels that you have choosen.

Of course. The goodness or badness of any perception is judged relative to
one's references for what they want to perceive. I happen to like my
references _much_ better than I like yours. I would like to have this list
moderated because I want to share it with people who share my values, which
are my references for things like what PCT is, how it is applied and how to
have useful and civil scientific discussions on topics related to PCT.

I think the list would be better off for me and for others who share my
values on these matters if you and those who share your values just went
away. You and your friends don't like my references (values) any more than
I like yours, so I don't know why you hang around. You once made the
excellent decision to leave CSGNet and form your own list of similarly
inclined people. Unfortunately, that list (which was moderated, by the way)
didn't last. I lurked on that last for several weeks and it was clear that
it didn't last because you didn't have much of substance to say nor anyone
to fight with. So you and your friends have returned to CSGNet where the
fight opportunities are much better.

I would like you to go away now. But since I'm apparently in the minority I
guess you get to stay and continue to spew what I perceive as your pompous,
ignorant hate mail onto the net all you like. Of course, what you post
probably seems like brilliant gems to you, given your references. Just a
difference in taste (references), I guess.

I would suggest that you ask yourself why I have been so successfull in
creating a massive disturbance for you, and you have had so very little
success in creating a disturbance for me.

I already answered it above. You are so successful at creating massive
disturbances for me because you and I have completely different references
for the same high level perceptions. So almost everything you say about
these matters is like nails on a chalk board to me. And I imagine that
everything I say about these matters has the same effect on you. Your
references for what PCT is, how it is applied and how to have useful and
civil scientific discussions on topics related to PCT are about as different
from mine as they could possibly be. Not that there is anything wrong with
that. You can want PCT to be whatever you want it to be and you can discuss
things any way you want to. It's just that it makes for unseemly scenes on

I think you're not being honest with yourself when you say that I'm not a
disturbance to you. I don't think you would resort to name calling and other
forms of extreme behavior relative to me if I were not disturbing some of
the variables you are controlling. But what you may mean is that I am
having no detectable (disturbing) effect on the variables you control. If
this is the case, then I'm not creating a disturbance for you because you
are so effectively acting to protect yourself from these disturbances. I
could effectively deal with your disturbances as well, by either changing my
references or changing my perceptual function. I can't do the former because
I am really very fond of my references and I can't do the latter because I
don't believe in taking hallucinogenic drugs. So, for me, the only way to
deal with your disturbances would be to remove them from CSGNet (by
moderation). But since no one wants to do this I suppose you get to stay and
disturb all you like.



Richard S. Marken
Home: 310 474 0313
Cell: 310 729 1400

[From Bill Powers (2004.03.24.1537 MST)]

Rick Marken (2004.03.24.1410) --

To Bill Williams:

I think the list would be better off for me and for others who share my
values on these matters if you and those who share your values just went
away. You and your friends don't like my references (values) any more than
I like yours, so I don't know why you hang around.

In case you have missed it, Bill Williams and I seem to have managed to
shut down the conflict and commence a substantive discussion of economic
matters. It can be done, when one simply stops controlling for winning. At
the moment I have no reason whatsoever to wish Bill off the island, perhaps
because my memory has never been very good. He doesn't seem to be mad at
me, either. I think that the technical term for this phenomenon, in certain
quarters, is "forgiveness." It is definitely a workable policy, and leaves
no unsightly residues. Also, it is re-usable.


Bill P.

[From Rick Marken (2004.03.24.1520)]

Bill Powers (2004.03.24.1537 MST)--

Rick Marken (2004.03.24.1410) --

To Bill Williams:

I think the list would be better off for me and for others who share my
values on these matters if you and those who share your values just went
away. You and your friends don't like my references (values) any more than
I like yours, so I don't know why you hang around.

In case you have missed it, Bill Williams and I seem to have managed to
shut down the conflict and commence a substantive discussion of economic
matters. It can be done, when one simply stops controlling for winning. At
the moment I have no reason whatsoever to wish Bill off the island, perhaps
because my memory has never been very good. He doesn't seem to be mad at
me, either. I think that the technical term for this phenomenon, in certain
quarters, is "forgiveness." It is definitely a workable policy, and leaves
no unsightly residues. Also, it is re-usable.

Mazel tov. I hope it works out.

I'm a big fan of forgiveness myself, giving it and getting it, too. I'm
willing to forgive Bill W. and the others who hate me so much. Let's see if
they can forgive me. I think you may be easier to forgive than I am.




Richard S. Marken
Home: 310 474 0313
Cell: 310 729 1400

From[Bill Williams 24 March 2004 4:50 PM CST]

[From Rick Marken (2004.03.24.1410)]

Bill Williams (24 March 2004 12:10 PM CST) --

> Rick, you are simply not getting the point. Whether or not my behavior


> "dispicable" is a product of the reference levels that you have choosen.

Of course. The goodness or badness of any perception is judged relative to
one's references for what they want to perceive. I happen to like my
references _much_ better than I like yours.

To be expected from a guy like you. You think your attack upon Michelle
Ivers is perfectly OK. I don't.

I would like to have this list

moderated because I want to share it with people who share my values,


are my references for things like what PCT is, how it is applied and how


have useful and civil scientific discussions on topics related to PCT.

Which is why it was neccesary for you to use the "example" of "the ignorant
slut" in an attempt to imtimidate Michelle.

I think the list would be better off for me and for others > who share my

values on these matters if you and >those who share your values just went

Sorry, doesn't seem to be much you can do about it.

You and your friends don't like my references (values) > any more than I

like yours, so I don't know why you

hang around.

Actually, Bill Powers seems to find what I am saying about how the economy
functions to be useful. So, maybe you should talk to Bill Powers and
convince him that I am setting him up for a massive Got Ya!

You once made the excellent decision to leave

Yes, I did. Bill Powers got into a mode, in which for reasons I won't go
into here, he was attacking my sanity, my intellectual competence and lots
of other stuff. That hurt, and I couldn't fight Bill Powers and at the same
time fiture out what the hell was going on. In that situation the best
thing for me, at the time was leave the CSGnet and get some peace and quiet
in which I could think things through. Eventually, I did figure out what
and where the problem was. And, I did some work that I was pround of, like
the control theory model of demand, and the two good case stystem. ANd, I'm

and form your own list of similarly

inclined people.

Actually this was Marc Abram's effort.

Unfortunately, that list (which was moderated, by the way)

What are you complaining about, I voted for a moderated list. What do you
want from me?

The following is a bit mis-informed, but I am not going to take the trouble
to dispute what you say myself. Why not talk to Marc Abrams and he can set
you straight.

didn't last. I lurked on that last for several weeks and it was clear that
it didn't last because you didn't have much of substance to say nor anyone
to fight with. So you and your friends have returned to CSGNet where the
fight opportunities are much better.

You are wrong in what you are applying in the above. Besides as I view it, I
didn't start the fights. But, I think, well, perhaps now is not the time to
say what I think. Productive things are happening, and why allow you to
draw me into a fight that might disrupt these productive things?

I would like you to go away now.

No, you go away.

But since I'm apparently in the minority I

guess you get to stay and continue to spew what I perceive as your


ignorant hate mail onto the net all you like.

Thank you so very much.

Of course, what you post
probably seems like brilliant gems to you,

Bill Powers seems to appreciate my contribution to Econ5. And, Bill Powers
has described some of my work as "brilliant." So, set Bill Powers straight
if you feel strongly about this. Not much point in trying to convience me.

given your references. Just a

difference in taste (references), I guess.

Yes, Most of the civilized part of the world regards Keynes with at least a
good deal of respect. You, don't, but then you don't understand Keynes.

> I would suggest that you ask yourself why I have been so successfull in
> creating a massive disturbance for you, and you have had so very little
> success in creating a disturbance for me.

I already answered it above.

You have _attempted _ to answer this question. However in my perception your
attempt failed badly.

You are so successful at creating massive

disturbances for me because you and I have completely different references
for the same high level perceptions.

But, why should such a difference upset you so much?

So almost everything you say about

these matters is like nails on a chalk board to me.

Then it really is working.

And I imagine that everything I say about these
matters has the same effect on you.

Actually it doesn't. You really are a bit of a challenge, but there is no
way for you to significantly disrupt my main work. And, have cultural
context here, in which I post some of the "better" posts in the hall. So,
there is a sense of solidarity that provides me with a context. Nothing
like hearing people going, "WhooWheee ... he's flaming out...." when
people are reading the incoming. And, then when I post my reply, if people
reading it say, "You really nailed him this time." I can relax. So, no, I
don't think the effect is at all the same. Our situations are quite


references for what PCT is, how it is applied and how to have useful and
civil scientific discussions on topics related to PCT are about as


from mine as they could possibly be.

This we agree about.

Not that there is anything wrong with

that. You can want PCT to be whatever you want it to be and you can


things any way you want to.

Yeah, talk is cheap. I guess it is OK with you if I continue talking to
Powers about economics?

It's just that it makes for unseemly scenes on


I don't see anything so far in the recent discussions about economics that
is at all "unseemly" do you?

I think you're not being honest with yourself when you
say that I'm not a disturbance to you.

Let me clarify. There _is_ a sense in which you actually are a disturbance
for me. But, it is like the quarter back on the other team was a
disturbance for me when I was a middle linebacker. You are definately not a
disturbance to my self-concept if that is what you are getting at. While it
seem evident that I can really do a job on you that messes with your mind.
But, alll it is, is people talking to each other. That is all it is. I
think perhaps one of the reasons you get so upsent, is that you haven't been
in situations where there have been things that are truely very upsetting--
like where people die, and your job is to pick up the pieces and carry them
back. Or, where it looks you are going to die-- like two or three seconds
from now. I willl have to admit, that while I could handle other people
dying, I was a bit selfish, and never got so I could maintain my cool if I
thought that this time it is me. But, the stuff that gets passed back and
forth here? Ok, I 'll come clean and admitt it, you are a disturbance to
me-- that why I've been spending so much time laughing lately.

I don't think you would resort to name calling and other

forms of extreme behavior relative to me if I were not disturbing some of
the variables you are controlling.

Have you ever listened to the trash talking going on between two football

But what you may mean is that I am

having no detectable (disturbing) effect on the variables you control. If
this is the case, then I'm not creating a disturbance for you because you
are so effectively acting to protect yourself from these disturbances.

I thought this was what we were talking about all along?

I could effectively deal with your disturbances as well, by either

changing my

references or changing my perceptual function. I can't do the former


I am really very fond of my references

Like you are Bill Powers is Newton and you are Einstein? Why not be

and I can't do the latter because I
don't believe in taking hallucinogenic drugs.

This comes as a surprize to me.

So, for me, the only way to
deal with your disturbances would be to remove them from CSGNet (by

Actually, I could probably be almost as effective a disturbance to you with
a moderator, but I might have to work a bit harder.

But since no one wants to do this I suppose you get to stay and

disturb all you like.

Goody. Watch out for my next Gotch Ya!

Bill Williams

Michelle Ivers (2004.03.25 0900 EST)

[From Rick Marken (2004.03.24.1000)]

If you have ever done the rubber band demo you know that your finger can

be moved

where the experimenter wants it as long as you are controlling the position
of the knot. When the experimenter moves your finger in this way, he or


is controlling your behavior (specifically, controlling where you place



Yes Rick, I've done the rubber band demo and kept the knot-on-the-dot
several times.
I believe our difference of opinion stems from the fact that I was bearing
in mind that this only works while the person is controlling for keeping the
knot-on-the-dot. If they cease to control for that then it no longer occurs.

You were justifying Bill Williams' name calling by saying it was" just his
perception". I think I made my point because you are obviously offended


by my hypothetical and you would properly, I think) judge it to have been
contemptible if I had said it to you.

Rick, just because I responded to you doesn't mean that I was offended. I
clearly stated that IF that is your perception of me, that's quite ok. (As
your opinion, perception, view of me doesn't matter to me in the slightest).

You sure did. I found it very disturbing, not only to see someone defending
Bill Williams' despicable behavior, but doing it using pseudo-PCT jargon
("it's just his perception").

Would it have made any difference to you if I had said, "it's just his
perception, poor Rick Marken being picked on again, don't worry Rick we know
he's being nasty to you"?
My comment was merely a statement that the comments Bill Williams was making
were 'his perceptions' of the situation. Please show me where I agreed with
his comments.
I thought that Bill Williams' views of you was in fact 'his perceptions' of
you. Please show me how that is only "pseudo-PCT jargon". What did I miss?

I asked how you would feel if I called you an
"ignorant slut" (Bill Williams has called me much worse, with great glee


relish) to try to get you to see that these kinds of things hurt. My
hypothetical shows that _if_ I had said that it's just my perception that
you are an ignorant slut, it would not make my having called you that any
less hurtful to you (or any less acceptable for me to have said it).

And I replied, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. You can have whatever
opinion of me you wish. You comments were not hurtful to me at all - If I
can pseudo jargon it, I guess I don't control any perceptions about your
view of me.

Do you care whether or not
people kill and steal? If so, then you've got references for how other
people behave. Have you ever stopped a fist fight between two kids? If so,
you've got references for the way other people behave.

I wasn't thinking in those terms Rick. So yes I do have references about
such things. I was thinking more in terms of having specific references
about specific people. Eg. I have no reference for seeing you say particular
things on here. I have no reference for seeing you apologise. etc.

You must not have been around for long. For many years on this net it has
been easy for people to create disturbances to the variables I'm



I wasn't going to bring that up Rick. I was only commenting on this latest

All someone has to do is say uninformed things about PCT, for example,
and I'm off to the races. This makes me eminently counter-controllable. If
you want to control for hearing me carry on about counter-control, for
example, all you have to do is say something like "we are designed to
control our perceptions rather than BE controlled by others".

It appears that you are classing me as uninformed about PCT by this
paragraph. I will acknowledge that you have been involved in PCT for more
years than I've been alive, but I would say that just because my
understanding isn't the same is yours doesn't necessarily make me
uninformed. I believe that I asked you to show me where I had it wrong.

I think a nice, clear analogy to what may be going on on this list is what
happens in Westerns when the bad guy shoots at the good guy's boots and


"dance". The good guy "dances" by jumping up and down to avoid being shot.
This is counter-control.

Thank you for this explaination.

Right. That's what I said. You can avoid counter-control by no longer
controlling for what allows you to be counter-controlled.

So we agree.

I think it was Bill Williams who made the nasty comments. I replied to some
of those remarks but I don't believe my replies were nasty.

Rick that is only your perception of your replies.

Any resistance by the victim of bullying will be seen as nastiness by the

cohorts of the bully.

This is another reason why I would like a moderated list. Once you get rid
of the bullying and ignorance, you also get rid of the interminable replies
(like this very post) to it.

Please show me where I declared myself to be a cohort of anyone? Surely if
you really want to increase awareness and understanding of PCT the way you
claim to, then responding to me would be a learning opportunity? I think
its a shame that you don't see it this way.

I'm sure that there are many who would find my illustration completely
offensive. And I would bet that every one of them would be people, like
yourself, who see nothing wrong with Bill Williams' personal attacks on


Powers and me, which were real attacks and not illustrations.

Firstly, I didn't see it as offensive. My mail scanner actually removed it,
I had to manually retrieve it to see what you had said. Someone said, PCT
doesn't tell us the rightness or wrongness of something. And Rick, I made no
comment about my personal opinions of the 'personal attacks' that were going
backwards and forwards.

Only if the moderator were a person like the one I described: one with
demonstrated competence in PCT modeling, research and applications. Right
now I can think of very few people who I would recognize as filling that
bill. If any one of the people I'm thinking of (including myself) rejected
one of my e-mails I would be perfectly comfortable with that.

Rick, its only your perception of a qualified moderator. There would be as
many different views on this as there are participants on this list.

When it comes down to it Rick, you are the one who decides whether to send
the messages or not. If people are saying things that disturb you then you
can make a choice. I believe our difference of opinion over the controlling
people stems from my view that you still choose to send the emails.
Ultimately, its you controlling your perceptions. I don't see that saying
"he made me do it", "he disturbed the perception I was controlling" is a
valid excuse for our own behaviour.


[From Rick Marken (2004.03.25.0930)]

Michelle Ivers (2004.03.25 0900 EST)

Would it have made any difference to you if I had said, "it's just his
perception, poor Rick Marken being picked on again, don't worry Rick
we know
he's being nasty to you"?

I think it would have made a difference if you had expressed as much
concern about the behavior of the guy doing the shooting
(counter-controlling) as you did about the behavior of the guy doing
the dancing (being counter controlled).

My comment was merely a statement that the comments Bill Williams was
were 'his perceptions' of the situation. Please show me where I agreed
his comments.

I didn't think you agreed with his comments. My problem had nothing to
do with whether you agreed or not. My problem was that that the fact
that the comments were perceptions is irrelevant. Everything is
perceptions from a PCT perspective. My comments were my perceptions too.

I thought that Bill Williams' views of you was in fact 'his
perceptions' of
you. Please show me how that is only "pseudo-PCT jargon". What did I

It's pseudo-PCT jargon because everything we say, do, see, control, act
on, etc. is perception from a PCT perspective. There is no situation in
which you would say that someone's views were _not_ their perceptions.
Thus, saying that what people say is just their perceptions, though
true from a PCT perspective, is misleading because it implies that in
some cases what people say is not their perceptions.

Surely if
you really want to increase awareness and understanding of PCT the way
claim to, then responding to me would be a learning opportunity?

I'm trying to reply in ways that will help you further your
understanding of PCT and how to apply it. I hope my comments are

Best regards



Richard S. Marken
Home 310 474-0313
Cell 310 729-1400