CPA (Conventional Psychologists Anonymous)

[From Rick Marken (941004.1940)]

Bruce Abbott (941004.1115 EST) --

Greetings PCTers!

Hi, Bruce!

It's nice to have a fellow author of a conventional experimental
psychology text on csg-l. It doesn't happen very often.

Given this early exposure to PCT, you might have expected me to
plunge into PCT-inspired research and theorizing, but for reasons I
am not entirely sure of myself, this has not been the case.

Don't worry Bruce. We have all quit conventional psychology at
different points in our lives, and for different reasons. Some of
us keep falling back; others have never really quit. With PCT its
always one day at a time;-)

PCT itself did not seem to me to invalidate either the experimental
questions I was asking or the procedures I was using to find the

Yes. We all thought that we could control our conventional research
methods. Eventually, we realized that we had to turn our understanding of
living systems over to a higher Powers.

One should have good reason to abandon what has apparently been a
fruitful program of research.

Yes, those warm, lovely nights nursing a tall, 4 way factorial ANOVA
are the reason we keep meeting here for mutual support. There is no
telling when the lure of a stepwise linear regression will call us back to
the comfort and familiarity of conventional psychology.

At any rate, pressures of time and tenure and, yes, inertia, kept me
plodding along the same path.

It's OK Bruce. You've already taken the first step.

Welcome to CPA. My name is Rick, and I'm a conventional psychologist:-)

I'm hoping that by joining this list I can receive the kind of feedback
that will reorganize my behavioral system so as to cancel my
perceptual errors.

I'm hoping too.

Again, welcome.
