Crowd Program: Is Source Available?

May I have a show of hands as to who is willing to participate actively in
the "Crowd" thread, and pledge not to get distracted by anything else on

What I'd like to do as a side-project (I make my living as a programmer) is
to rewrite the program in Ada95 (a descendant of Pascal) and port it to
Linux. Is the (Pascal) source code available somewhere?



It is impossible to feel great confidence in a negative theory which has
always rested its main support on the weak points of its opponent.

Joseph Needham, "A Mechanistic Criticism of Vitalism"

[From Bill Powers (990826.1522 MDT)]

Matt Heaney (990826) --

What I'd like to do as a side-project (I make my living as a programmer) is
to rewrite the program in Ada95 (a descendant of Pascal) and port it to
Linux. Is the (Pascal) source code available somewhere?

Attached: CROWDV2.PAS and two units, Grutils.pas and textunit.pas. I'm sure
you will agree that I could not make a very good living as a programmer.
The present project will involve rewriting Crowd essentially from scratch,
trying to do everything in a nicer way.

Your offer to convert to ADA and port to Linux is extremely welcome! I'm
sure that Turbo Pascal is baby stuff for you, but if you want to chime in,
please do so.


Bill P.

Crowdv2.pas (60 Bytes)

Grutils.pas (60 Bytes)

Textunit.pas (61 Bytes)