Dealing with Greg dealing with Gary

[from Gary Cziko 930412.1922 GMT]

Greg Williams (930412)

Greg boldy flirts with the possibility of being banished forever from
CSGnet land by the almightly but usually merciful LISTOWNER by stating:

Gary boldly flirts with the possibility of permanently being the
Guest Editor (all of the glory, none of the pay) for CLOSED LOOP by

Greg Williams (930410) boldly flirts with the possibility of having to
fetch the CSGnet archive files on his own by stating:

No, I was beating (on?) a live Gary Cziko (to whom I sent the original
post, directly), whose comment

I'm sorry you disapprove of my attempt to clarify the meaning of "my"
poll category "WHAT'S IT TO ME" to the rest of the net after you
announced it with no explanation. Here's a possible deal: from now on, I
won't quote from our private posts on the net if you don't, unless
appropriate permission has been granted. OK?

Okey dokey (although I didn't really quote from your private post--I
PLAGIARIZED by not using quote marks).

Along the way, I think I discovered a couple of quite high-level variables
being controlled by the CSG's esteemed editor. How about "not being
misrepresented on CSGnet" and "not being intimidated by Gary Cziko."

Greg, you responded just as I predicted you would after I posted your
"what's it to me" on the net and again after I tried to "intimidate" you
with the archives (well, I didn't actually predict that you would offer ME
the editorship of _Closed Loop_, but I did predict that you would recall
the great service you provide to CSG by editing _Closed Loop_.)



Gary Cziko Telephone: 217-333-8527
Educational Psychology FAX: 217-244-7620
University of Illinois E-mail:
1310 S. Sixth Street Radio: N9MJZ
210 Education Building
Champaign, Illinois 61820-6990