[From Dag Forssell (2017 01.04 09:25 PST)]
Rick, upon reflection, I think this is really bad news.
- You don’t reflect for a moment on what you delete. In this case
csgarchive@pctresources.com The address itself told you that
you were deleting all mail to the CSGnet archive.
You live only in the moment. This was the second time you deleted this
address. -
I think your action is unethical. The fact that you can does not
make it ethical to delete addresses willy-nilly from CSGnet. I have
considered actions to clean up the CSGnet address list in the past, but
always envisioned sending a test message to anyone I considered suspect;
people who set “no mail” long ago and such, to see which
addresses would bounce and which were still active. I never got around to
do so.
I think you should feel obligated to send an email to each address you
consider deleting, before you do. Anything less is not ethical on
your part.
Not so best, Dag
At 04:02 PM 12/30/2016, you wrote:
[From Rick Marken
(2016.12.30.1600)][From Dag Forssell (2016 15:00 PST)]
RM: It was me, I’m afraid. I went to check to see who was on the list and
saw that about 4 of the addresses were marked as “bounced”. So
I assumed they were obsolete addresses and deleted them. Sorry about
that. Glad you’re back on.�Best�
I just received the following message to the CSGnet archive
address:Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2016 12:58:22 -0600
To:Your address
csgarchive@pctresources.com) has been removed from listcsgnet@lists.illinois.edu, likely due to excessive
non-delivery reports for your address.You can subscribe again:
“excessive non-delivery reports” is nonsense. I get plenty
of CSGnet traffic and remove it from my host server as I use POP download
to Eudora, archiving on my hard disk…Did Rick Marken delete me again? Some other list owner? (I am one,
but did not delete myself.)� (Rick deleted me the previous time
this happened.)I am now subscribed again. Went to
www.iapct.org and followed my own instructions.What did the archive miss?
The last one I received was from Warren, re Time-Stamp ID.
I will respond to that one momentarily.
BTW, Glad Rick and others have discovered the CSGnet
Richard S. Marken�
“The childhood of the human race is far from over. We have a long
way to go before most people will understand that what they do for others
is just as important to their well-being as what they do for
themselves.” – William T. Powers