Hi All,
Does anyone know if this book –“Dialogues
Concerning Two Life Sciences” is yet available? The LCS website says’s
January 2009…but that’s come and gone L
The sample letters are pretty interesting and are definitely
worth the read.
[From Dag Forssell (2009 0213 17:45 PST)]
I'll have to update the website to show a later date. If support materials and the front end is done in April, I'll set a publication date such as June and go for reviews.
The body of the book is pretty much done. 500 pages of original letters.
But before I go for reviews, I want to have the supporting stuff in place. I just announced the availability of Closed Loop. That was preceded by a newsletter called Continuing the Conversation, referred to in the letters, so that is being restored. Then there are some documents regarding controversy that I want in place. Finally, I will compose my Editor's Preface. I have the concept rather clear. It will be all about scientific revolutions.
I want to set up the pctresource site with CSGnet from the beginning, and clean up the official site. Updating livingcontrolsystems.com with Shelley Roy's book and Bill's latest book is also part of preparations.
So I am not hurrying this for the sake of a publication date, but taking my time to get everything set up right, as best I figure that to be.
If you want a sneak preview for the purpose of supporting my effort, give me a personal call.
Best, Dag
At 11:32 AM 2/13/2009, you wrote:
Hi All,
Does anyone know if this book ��Dialogues Concerning Two Life Sciences� is yet available? The LCS website says�s January 2009�but that�s come and gone L
The sample letters are pretty interesting and are definitely worth the read.
Dag Forssell
dag@forssell.com, www.forssell.com
2740 Gamble Court, Hayward, CA 94542-2402 USA
Tel: +1 510 727 0377 Fax: +1 510 727 0377