[FROM Dennis Delprato (930503)]
I'd like to see an attempt made for BBS. I might be able to
serve a useful function in the form of a critic who looks at
the ms. from the standpoint of an "outsider." PCT has so much
to offer--in presenting it to others, one has to be sensitive to
their point of view. "Selling" new ideas isn't easy, but is a
challenge. There certainly need be no "compromises." One must,
however, take into account where readers are coming from. This
is one reason why one major section should consist of directly
addressing objections that one finds in the literature. Also,
some account of the evolution of PCT early on is important.
As regards the latter, "systems" is no longer an out construction.
Indeed systems are in, and a presentation should address the
relationship between PCT and systems in a positive way.
Tom, could you pass on the previous objections to me?
I imagine you all are aware of the many hoops Harnad poses.
I recently served as one of the reviewers of an initial submission
that was presented last July, I believe. The author had to address
a long list of objections from nine reviewers and the ms. is only
now in its second stage, having been sent back to the reviewers.
This is common for papers that eventually get published.
Subject: Re: Draft for joint paper from PCTers