Ed Ford's Program

[From Dag Forssell (2006.01.01.10:05)]

I certainly agree. I expect to immerse myself in the official site in the next couple of weeks and will incorporate the link to Ed's site as well as the PCT Wiki. I also need to update conference info in a couple of places.

Are there any other suggestions out there?



I have updated the Festschrift at
to include Dan Miller's tribute. I also noted that the Intro page had some words running together, so I fixed that.

Just yesterday, I noted that text sizes for the various papers differ. I will review and make it more consistent and readable.

Happy New Year to all.

I have great expectations for PCT to progress this year.

Best, Dag

[From Bill Powers (2005.12.31.2045)]

Ed has remarked to me that there don't seem to be any links on our web pages to his web site. I thought there were, but in looking over our site I couldn't find any. I think we should include such links to


in the appropriate places. I hope those who manage our sites agree.


Bill P.

Oh, yeah -- a very happy New Year to all!

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[From Rick Marken (2006.01.01.1050)]

Bill Powers (2005.12.31.2045)-

Ed has remarked to me that there don't seem to be any links on our web pages to his web site. I thought there were, but in looking over our site I couldn't find any.

I deleted the pointer from the CSG to the RTP site long ago (probably back in the 1900s;-)) because 1) the RTP site never put in a reciprocal pointer to the CSG site and 2) with the lack of a pointer to the CSG site I saw no obvious connection, other than some terminological similarities, between Ed's program and PCT. But Dag is the manager of the CSG site now so it's quite likely that the link to the RTP site will be restored at your request.

I think we should include such links to


in the appropriate places. I hope those who manage our sites agree.

I'm sure you're hopes will be fulfilled.

Oh, yeah -- a very happy New Year to all!

Same to you.

Best regards



Richard S. Marken Consulting
Home 310 474-0313
Cell 310 729-1400

[From Bill Powers (2005.12.31.2045)]

Ed has remarked to me that there don't seem to be any links on our web pages to his web site. I thought there were, but in looking over our site I couldn't find any. I think we should include such links to


in the appropriate places. I hope those who manage our sites agree.


Bill P.

Oh, yeah -- a very happy New Year to all!


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