[From Bruce Abbott (961014.1430 EST)]
Rick Marken (961014.1100) --
Now I'm sure Bruce Abbott and Hans Blom
will point out that Tooby's "behavioral programs" are really perceptual
control systems (after all, a famous psychologist like Tooby wouldn't make
the ridiculously elementary mistake of thinking that the brain programs
behavioral output) but I was surprised at how little theorizing there was
(actually, there was _none_) about the relationship between emotional
perceptions and the control of perceptual inputs.
Boy, this is getting tiresome. I've never even heard of Tooby and now I'm
being told what I'll probably say about his views. It's a cheap political
trick -- putting words in someone's mouth who never said -- or would say --
them. Hey, it might be fun to turn the tables and try this approach out on
Rick: "Now I'm sure that Rick Marken will say that all welfare mothers
should be barred from receiving ADC if they are capable of working, but in
my opinion that's the wrong solution to the problem." See how it works?
Does this sort of tactic belong in the debates we wish to have on CSGNET?
[From Rick Marken (961014.1350)]
Now I'm sure Bruce Abbott and Hans Blom will point out that Tooby's
"behavioral programs" are really perceptual control systems
Bruce Abbott (961014.1430 EST)--
I've never even heard of Tooby and now I'm being told what I'll probably say
about his views. It's a cheap political trick -- putting words in someone's
mouth who never said -- or would say -- them.
I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to put words in your mouth. I meant my
comment as a joke (apparently not too funny) about what I see as your uncanny
ability to see an understanding of control of perception in so much of the
research and writings of conventional psychologists.
Does this sort of tactic belong in the debates we wish to have on CSGNET?
I wasn't using it as a debating tactic. You've already won the debate. You
have convinced me that whenever I read something by a conventional
psychologist (like Thorndike or Simon) that seems to contradict PCT, I must
be reading it wrong. Nevertheless, I seem to be unable to surpress my
reflexive need to tar these psychologists with a "straw man", non-PCT
interpretation of their teachings. I know I am doing wrong and that you will
set me straight, but I can't help it. It's an addiction. So when I say things
Now I'm sure Bruce Abbott and Hans Blom will point out that Tooby's
"behavioral programs" are really perceptual control systems
it's really just a cry for help. Are you so insensitive that you can see
that I really saying "Stop me, before I 'straw man' again".
