Hi Richard,
Bill :
So it’s in everyone’s self-interest to make sure that everyone else gets what they want, as near as possible. When you do that, you will find it much easier to achieve your own goals without constantly colliding with others.
Rick :
Works for me. Thanks
Boris :
Is this a joke Rick ? If I didin’t understand something wrong, and considering what I can see is happening on CSGnet, you are one of the most conflicting persons on the CSGnet (including me :)))).
Could you make a “PCT analysis” of your relationship with Gavin Ritz, Bruce Gregory, Martin L, me… ? As I perceived, what happened in the past, you didn’t try only to “avoid” colliding with others, you tried to “elimimnate” or “remove” those who thought differently from CSGnet. If you try to keep good relationship with people, you need more than words and preparedness to be what you want to be. You need acts that will bring also others perception near their references. There’s still much work to be done. And it seems to me, you are not closing to a goal “be kind to all people or help all people”.
And if I see right, Bill wrote “everyone else gets what they want…”. The focus is on EVERYONE. That’s realy hard to achieve only with dreaming…:). We need appropriate acts and perceptual evidence…
I think Bill is right in every word he said. We can say that this is a Theory. But how that will be achieved in practice, that’s another problem. Because people are LCS (Living control systems) and they act goal-oriented to control their perception near their references, mostly regardless to others (mostly only when they need them). 24 hours a day people have to maintain their physiological dinymical stability in varying environment. So I think that deep in their nature people are egoistic creatures, who are mostly cooperative only when their better stability is concerned. They have to keep their integrity and identity in not quite “kind circumstances” on Earth or Universe. And that’s what we can see probably also in economy.
So I think if we know PCT, it’s not difficult to predict what people will do (on general). Maybe the case with Lehman Brothers will help.
There are differences among Living control systems how they will act to control and we can be sometimes surprised. But mostly they act as PCT theory predicts.
Maybe the standing point of Adam Matić is good. People as PCT agents do act as “Crusoe” on the Island maintaining only his “esential variables” in the appropriate limits. That’s how Ashby made his analysis of human behavior.
So if I understood Adam Matić right, the question is : how will all people act if we imagine them interacting as mutliple “Crusoes”… They will probably try to maintain their “essential variables” in genetically predicted limits, following their goals, or “time-scheduling” or whatever, what probably on general depends from varying values in “essential variables” ? They will probably conflict and cooperate in order to maintain their stability and consequently wished evironmental stability.
In order not to discover “hot water” or “America” again I would suggest works of Bill and Kent McClelland. As far as I know, wanted “economical” model could be described with help of Bill’s and Kent’s model of human interaction in common environment. Speccially Kent provided a good basis for analysis of simultaneously varying values in interacting PCT agents (experiments with mouse). Maybe it’s enough to put some other problems (goals) in diagrams and maybe it will work.
----- Original Message -----
Richard Marken
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2012 5:33 AM
Subject: Re: Enjoyed your response
[From Rick Marken (2012.02.02.2030)]
On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 6:54 PM, Bill Powers powers_w@frontier.net > wrote:
Self-interest lies in living among prosperous happy people who pursue their own intellectul and emotional interests while respectfully avoiding stepping on other people's toes, including yours. Mutual support instead of competition.
This is the way I have always felt, even well before control theory. It just seems so obvious to me. And control theory just seals it. Mutual support, not competition. That’s the social message of PCT, as far as I’m concerned. Beautifully articulated, as usual, Bill.
So it's in everyone's self-interest to make sure that everyone else gets what they want, as near as possible. When you do that, you will find it much easier to achieve your own goals without constantly colliding with others.
Works for me. Thanks.
Richard S. Marken PhD