Enrolling was Re: Rushton et al.

from [ Marc Abrams (990421.1449)


----- Original Message -----
From: Hank Folson <hank@HENRYJAMES.COM>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 1999 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: Rushton et al.

Marc Abrams (990421.1542)

>Sorry Bill, I care, and I know Bruce cares. I think most of us care. I


>because I think PCT is important and if people do not take it seriously


>will not spend the time trying to learning it.....

>Hank F. I know this is a subject near and dear to you. Any thoughts?

Back to you Marc: If my unsubstantiated description is assumed correct,
what should PCTers goals be in this area?

Good question. I wish I had a decent answer. Lets see if we can get some
agreement on what the problem(s) may be, Since the notion of "selling" seems
to offend some, how about using the word "enrolling". If not that, what?
What do you call it when you want someone to either perceive something a
certain way or take on a reference level originating outside the individual?
For the time being I'll use the word "enrolling" to define this concept.

1) PCT _"seems"_ very simple and straight forward. Conceptually, this is
_NOT_ true, It just seems this way. In lieu of the baggage and deeply
ingrained notions we bring to the party, Getting rid of a lifetime of S->R
indoctrination is not a simple matter.

2) People need to _want_ to learn PCT. You and I _cannot_ "convince" anyone
of it's value, nor whether learning it would be of any benefit to them.
People need to "discover" this for themselves, and given #1 above, most will
probably end up with some highly mutated S->R version that _they_ feel
comfortable with.

3) We need to care about what others think. It's our _only_ way of being
able to even guess at what others may be controlling for ( through
communications ). This is _very_ difficult to do on the net. It can become
real tedious, real fast, trying to ask and get a bunch of simple questions
answered in a reasonable period of time.

Hank further asks:

What outputs would most likely help reach the goals you have?

It's not the outputs I am worried about. I am concerned about the
perceptions and reference levels others might be walking around with that
might hinder their ability to learn PCT, _If_ they wanted to. It's going to
be tough enough to learn. I truley believe we can help ease ( not
eliminate ) the coming storm ( reorganizing ) that has to take place.

Maybe my head is up my ass, But I really do believe we _can_ make a
differnce, The only question is, at what cost?


A side bar to Rick.