Eudora "Upgrade"

[From Bruce Abbott (2001.02.25.2040 EST)]

Bill Powers (2001.02.25.1415 MST) --

[Trying Eudora 5.1 again -- let me know if there's anything wierd]
And how the heck did I get into this font, and how does one control the
margins when the font keeps changing? I hope this post isn't full of
overflowed lines. One more "improvement" and it's back to 3.06 for me.

I clicked on a spam message to highlight it prior to trashing it, and the
computer started dialing up the internet server. Fortunately I noticed and
killed the action, but how did that happen? It never happened with 3.06.

I've been using 5.1 at home but still haven't made the change from 3.06 at
work. In some ways it's handy NOT having the latest and greatest
software. For one thing the old version doesn't do anything unless you
tell it to. The version I have at home is running in "sponsored mode,"
which means that I get little ads appearing in a corner of the
screen. Fortunately these aren't obtrusive as I'm too cheap to pay for the
nonsponsored-mode version.

An advantage of the newer version is that formatted text shows up properly
on the screen. As time goes on, more and more mail is arriving with
formatted text and graphic icons; in the old version the text with embedded
command codes is almost impossible to read and I have to go in to the
attachment directory and hand-delete the graphics after disposing of the

We've been into computers long enough now to remember when the keyboard and
screen (screen? Try TTY paper output!) were tied to a computer somewhere
else, run by someone else, and you were at their mercy. Then came the PC,
and suddenly all that computing power (such as it was at that time) was
yours, all yours, and you could set it up however you liked. I guess this
didn't make the Powers That Be very happy, because they've figured out how
to turn our PCs into client terminals of their internet servers. So in a
way we've come full cycle.


Bruce A.

[From Bryan Thalhammer (2001.02.26.0845 CST)]

Bill, Bruce,

I am still using Eudora version *2.1* for the Mac! Works great IMHO. Yup,
I tried Eudora 4.0 last fall, and it was so over-featured that I removed
it. I can't imagine needing any more improvements than being able to
filter, sort, read and (occasionally) replying to e-mail. "Sponsored
mode?" Sounds like QualComm may be trying to impress Bill Gates....!




[From Bruce Abbott (2001.02.25.2040 EST)]

Bill Powers (2001.02.25.1415 MST) --

[Trying Eudora 5.1 again -- let me know if there's anything wierd]
And how the heck did I get into this font, and how does one control the
margins when the font keeps changing? I hope this post isn't full of
overflowed lines. One more "improvement" and it's back to 3.06 for me.

I clicked on a spam message to highlight it prior to trashing it, and the
computer started dialing up the internet server. Fortunately I noticed and
killed the action, but how did that happen? It never happened with 3.06.

I've been using 5.1 at home but still haven't made the change from 3.06 at
work. In some ways it's handy NOT having the latest and greatest
software. For one thing the old version doesn't do anything unless you
tell it to. The version I have at home is running in "sponsored mode,"
which means that I get little ads appearing in a corner of the
screen. Fortunately these aren't obtrusive as I'm too cheap to pay for the
nonsponsored-mode version....