Excerpt from: Towards a Sociological Theory of Perceptual Control

[From Paul Stokes (2000.02.23.1609 GMT)]

I am enclosing with this message a short extract from a paper I am currently
writing called "Towards a Sociological Theory of Perceptual Control". It
sounds as though this might be heavily reliant on PCT and you would be right
to think so. I have for some time now been convinced of the essential
correctness of PCT as a theory of behaviour and also of its potential
utility to sociology for precisely the same reason. However, the radical
individualism of PCT has always posed a severe obstacle to my taking the
matter further. I have found the work of existing PCT sociologists
unsatisfactory for this reason. This year, however, and for the first time,
I have had the opportunity to teach the fundamentals of PCT to my 3rd year
sociological theory class (approximately 100 students). I based the classes
around the video demonstrations of PCT that I bought from Dag in Durango a
couple of years back. I think it went quite well (apart from one student who
said that PCT was a 'nothing theory' or words to that effect!) although I
think the students struggled a bit with the counterintuitive conceptual
gymnastics involved. The specific context in which I presented the ideas
(Norbert Elias's theory of the civilising process), however, necessitated
that I finally address the problem of the radical individualism at the heart
of PCT. The enclosed file is a short except from a longer paper that I am
working on and addresses specifically the conceptual extensions that are
necessary in order to make PCT suitable for mainstream sociological usage.
Knowing the kind of exchanges that are common to this list, you will very
likely hate what I have to say, call me a variety of unedifying names and
generally scorn my work. However, someone has to bring PCT, screaming and
dragging its heels as may be, into mainstream social scientific thought and
I am determined to have my go.
What is written below is hardly the last word. It is rather compact and
condensed so if people need me to unpack anything in further detail or
clarification please say so.
I thought I'd give you guys first crack o' the whip. I intend to submit the
full and final paper to a mainstream sociology journal in a few months time.
The file is in MS Word'97 format.

    Paul A. STOKES
    Department of Sociology
    University College Dublin


    Tel: +353-1-7068233
    Fax: +353-1-7061125

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[From Rick Marken (2000.02.0830)]

Paul Stokes (2000.02.23.1609 GMT)--

I thought I'd give you guys first crack o' the whip. I intend
to submit the full and final paper to a mainstream sociology
journal in a few months time.

Thanks for the excerpt and for giving us "first crack o' the whip"
But I think I've finally learned my lesson about giving solicited
criticism of PCT-based ideas: don't do it.




Richard S. Marken Phone or Fax: 310 474-0313
Life Learning Associates mailto: rmarken@earthlink.net