[From Rick Marken (950316.0910)]
Could you tell us what EAB stuff you do believe literally?
Bruce Abbott (950315.1855 EST) --
"Objection, yer honor: vague. Counsel is on a fishing expedition."
Why the paranoia? Do you think you're on trial? You sound like the defense in
the OJ case. Is there some evidence missing?
I've acknowledged your suggestion [that the logical relationship (red and
right) or (green and left) is controlled in the SDTEST study] on at least
two previous occasions and indicated that it is worth trying.
But your "acknowledgements" suggested to me that you thought that I was
making a theoretical suggestion. I was not. I was making a factual
suggestion. I was saying that some logical variable can be shown (using
The Test) to be a controlled variable in the SDTEST situation. No theory
is involved: just a demonstration that a variable (a logical one in this
case) is under control.
I am NOT proposing that the appearance of "stimulus control" in SDTEST can be
"accounted for" by a theory that says that the subject is controlling a
logical variable. I am saying that the phenomenon that is called "stimulus
control" and that appears to involve differential responding to stimuli is
really a different phenomenon -- it is a CONTROL phenomenon . What is
controlled in "stimulus control" is the perception of a logical variable. The
appearance of "differential responding to stimuli" (stimulus control) is just
a side effect of the disturbance resistance required to maintain that
perception in its reference state. Changing the disturbance (by, for example,
making the cursor move to the appropriate target all by itself on some
occasions) changes what the subject must do to control the perception -- and
we no longer see differential responding to the stimuli. The subject is
still controlling the same logical variable but we no longer see "stimulus
I am trying give a clear, tangible example of why PCT is not an alternative
explanation of the phenomena of EAB (or of conventional psychology in
general). You have said that your goal is to show how PCT can provide a
better explanation of EAB phenomena than current models. The example of
"stimulus control" as a one of several possible appearances one might see as
a side effect of controlling a logical variable is meant to show that it is
important to figure out what phenomenon is to be explained before determining
what theory explains it better.
When I first got into PCT I, too, wanted to show how PCT explains all the
conventional findings in psychology. It took quite a while for me to realize
that this was a fool's errand. It is a fool's errand because PCT is about
control; conventional psychology is not. I hope the "stimulus control"
example above helps you understand what this means.
I wasted a couple years trying to figure out ways to account for conventional
results using PCT. I want to save you from having to replicate this waste of
time so that you can just get right into doing PCT research.
The message from PCT to EAB is NOT that PCT is a better model of their
phenomena. The message is that they have failed to notice the FACT that
organisms CONTROL. The first thing you should tell the EAB types is how to
test for controlled variables. Once they know that variables are under
control they can start trying to explain how this control is accomplished.
This is where they will find themselves doing what you are doing with the
data from SDTEST -- building a control model, the only kind that can control.