I am a bit amused at the silence my posts have received. Certainly not surprised.
So although I know no one has the desire to actually communicate with me I know you all read my posts so I am going to take this opportunity to clear the air a bit. I am not an ‘enemy’ of PCT or CSGnet.
As you can tell from my last response to Rick, I am not really much interested in whether PCT is a good or bad explanation for how control actually takes place in our bodies. I could care less.
My concern is with the implications, effects and consequences control might have for and on the organism and between organism’s.
Some day we will all have a better idea on how all of our physiological control systems actually operate, but for the time being they will remain somewhat of a mystery and an enigma for us all. A mystery by the way I do not believe either a tracking task nor a computer simulation will ever be able to solve.
So yes Bill and Rick, I am sold on the notion and concept of Perceptual Control Theory, just not on PCT and for my purposes the actual mechanism’s involved in the implementation of the control processes are not important or critical. In fact, trying to work at that level of minutiae would be counter-productive to my goals and aims.
Your work is important and noble and I wish you all the best of luck.
“Nothing is so firmly believed as that which least is known”
“Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better.”
Richard Hooker (1554? - 1600)
English theologian.
“It’s not what people don’t know that is the problem. It’s what people know that ain’t so, that creates all the fuss.”
Will Rogers
“Knowledge is finite, ignorance is infinite”
Karl Popper