Fararo to McClelland

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Dear Kent McClelland:
   I've read your papers with great interest. I am very impressed by
your explication of the Powers model in one paper and your first simulation
efforts in another paper, as well as your very useful and comprehensive
   I don't know if you have submitted these papers anywhere, but I would
like to suggest the possibility of combining two of them (with suitable minor
revisions) into one paper for Sociological Theory, namely the general
explication (An Introduction ...) and the simulation ("Conflictive
Cooperation...). Your title and discussion are remindful of Kant's idea
of "antagonistic cooperation" as characteristic of our species and of
Lenski's adoption of this idea in his own synthesis of functional and
conflict modes of thought (in his P&P book).
   By the way, I have the first volume of Powers' collected papers, but
not volume 2. As a member of the group that publishes this work, perhaps
you have current ordering information (price, postage & handling) and
mailing address that you could send me so that I could order it? I'm also
interested in another book you cite published by this group: Marken's
Mind Readings, and again if you have information about price I'd appreciate
   Thanks for sending me the papers.

                           Cordially, Tom Fararo

----------------- End Forwarded -----------------


Could you send a copy of the CSG intro materials to Tom Fararo's computer
address? Thanks. He's a prominent sociologist who has had some interest in
Bill's work and who responded favorably (as you see) to the copies of my
papers I sent him.

Hope things are going well for you. I finally got that article finished and
sent off to Sociological Perspectives last week. I'll put the revised copy
on the net one of these days. It definitely will be published.



Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1993 16:02 -0500 (EST)
From: Tom Fararo <TJF2@VMS.CIS.PITT.EDU>
Subject: Your papers
To: mcclel@AC.GRIN.EDU