[From Rick Marken (]
At the beginning of each month I try to post PCT related
news at the CSG website:
I need something for February, 2001. If anyone has done -- or
knows of someone who has done -- something relevant to PCT
that is worth reporting at the CSG site please let me know
via personal e-mail (marken@mindreadings.com). What I would
really like to report on is any of the following:
- PCT research in progress
- PCT related papers submitted to a journal
- PCT related papers that have been published
- New PCT related web sites (to which the "Related Sites"
page should point).
- News about PCT related applications (in seminars, workshops,
grants, etc.)
- Recent references _to_ PCT in journals, books or the internet.
Richard S. Marken Phone or Fax: 310 474-0313
MindReadings.com mailto: marken@mindreadings.com