[from Gary Cziko 920909.0545]
Bill Silvert has reorganized the CSG directory of his fileserver. The
fileserver is on biome.bio.ns.ca and the directory in which these files are
located is pub/csg/.
There are two main types of files--program and document. Document files
can be obtained by anonymous FTP or by sending a mail message to
server@biome.bio.ns.ca with the command "get file-id" as the first line of
the message. For example, to obtain the latest PCT bibliography compiled
by Greg Williams send the following command to server@biome.bio.ns.ca:
get csg/documents/biblio.pct
and you will receive the bibliography via e-mail (longer documents may be
sent as a set of several smaller ones).
To obtain program and other binary files, anonymous FTP (file transfer
protocol) should be used since I have found that converting binary files to
ASCII for mailing and then back to binary is a real pain and there is no
standard way of doing this. If you are at an educational institution or
high-tech commerical establishment, someone there can probably show you how
to use FTP. You probably cannot use FTP if you use CompuServe, MCIMail,
ATTMail or other commercial service for e-mail.
The two most important programs (I think going through each of these is
essential for anyone wanting to participate intelligently on CSGnet) are
Bill Powers's Demo1 and Demo2. Their
file-id's are pub/csg/programs/msdos/dem1a.exe and
pub/csg/programs/msdos/dem2a.exe. To get Demo1 using anonymous FTP, use
the following commands:
cd pub/csg/programs/msdos
get dem1a.exe
The fileserver can also be accessed using the Gopher program. To do this,
telnet to biome.bio.ns.ca as gopher. This is an experimental gopher
server, but it may not always be functioning.--Gary
P.S. Thanks to Bill Silvert for setting this all up for us and for
checking the accuracy of this message.
Gary A. Cziko Telephone: (217) 333-8527
Educational Psychology FAX: (217) 333-5847
University of Illinois E-mail: g-cziko@uiuc.edu
1310 S. Sixth Street Radio: N9MJZ
210 Education Building
Champaign, Illinois 61820-6990