[From Rupert Young (2017.04.16 15.00)]
(Martin Taylor 2017.]
[From Rupert Young (2017.04.01 18.00)]
Assuming others are also interested I'll also have a look at options.
I am interested.
From my experience, the important thing is not the internal structure of the Forum, but the ability for those who want to to use it like CSGnet to be able to do so, while those who prefer to use the Forum structure and read back through previous messages on a topic without having to click on them to do that, having the e-mailed messages appear in the Forum and the Forum-written messages appear as e-mails on CSGnet. I don't know if there is a Forum that allows that kind of operation. Whatever Sigma Xi uses comes close, but in the Forum you have to click on links to see successive messages, rather than being able to read through the thread in one go.
Yes, probably best to let the structure evolve.
I am currently looking at bbPress, as it allows email posting. I'll try and set up a sample/test system over the next couple of months, when I have some time.