Fresh Air

[From Rick Marken (2004.04.17.2050)]

I'm signing off of CSGNet, I will not be coming to the CSG meeting this
summer, and I will no longer be participating in CSG (all these
decisions were made with my darling Linda's support and endorsement).
I will finish keeping the books for the meeting this summer but after
that those who have an interest in the continued existence of CSG can
get the treasury funds and books from me.

I'm posting this information to the net so that all those who might not
be attending CSG meetings or participating on CSGNet on my account will
know that I will no longer be participating in either of these venues.

Best regards



Richard S. Marken
Home 310 474-0313
Cell 310 729-1400

[David Goldstein (2004.04.18.0030)]
[Rick Marken (2004.04.17.2050)]

Dear Rick,
I am very sorry to hear this.
I hope that you will change your mind.
I was looking forward to seeing and talking to you this summer.
If you don't change your mind, I want you to know that you will be missed.
David M. Goldstein, Ph.D.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick Marken" <marken@MINDREADINGS.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:50 PM
Subject: Fresh Air

[From Rick Marken (2004.04.17.2050)]

I'm signing off of CSGNet, I will not be coming to the CSG meeting this
summer, and I will no longer be participating in CSG (all these
decisions were made with my darling Linda's support and endorsement).
I will finish keeping the books for the meeting this summer but after
that those who have an interest in the continued existence of CSG can
get the treasury funds and books from me.

I'm posting this information to the net so that all those who might not
be attending CSG meetings or participating on CSGNet on my account will
know that I will no longer be participating in either of these venues.

Best regards

Richard S. Marken
Home 310 474-0313
Cell 310 729-1400

from Phil Runkel in reply to Rick Marken's of 2004.17:

Rick: I am disconsolate to encounter your resignation from the CSGnet
and meeting. I offer you sympathy. Beyond that, I feel capable of
saying only that I feel great sadness. --Phil

From[Bill Williams 18 March 2004 2:00 AM CST]

Before celebrating Rick's departure, I think it would be a good idea to
remember that Rick has threaten to leave before. So, it would be prudent
not to place too much confidence in what Rick says. If I may modify
Marken's principle that you can't tell what someone is doing by watching
what they are doing, to a version that fits the current situation-- you
can't tell what Marken is going to do by listening to what he says he is
going to do.

But, this time Rick does sound a bit more determined to make a break, and
perhaps to make it permenent. I hope so.

Bruce Nevin in a recent post, in which he hoped that he wasn't going to
blow my cover, explained some features of a policy of a tit-for-tat policy
of behavior, and the logical implications of mirroring. Bruce described his
own experiments with mirroring, and the results. As Bruce described it,
his relative could not tolerate being mirrored. That is brought face to
face with her own behavior she couldn't stand who she was.

I have been a bit surprized that both Rick and Bill Powers have reported so
candidly their perception that Williams made them do things that they
didn't really want to do-- things that they describe as being horrible.
They don't take responsiblity for their behavior-- I am the one, they say,
that made them say these nasty things. That is perfectly OK with me. Since
I made them say things about me, it was really me saying these things about
myself. And, I know that I didn't truely mean them.

Bruce also suggested that I think hard about the issue, as I understand it,
and I may not understand precisely what he had in mind, of the implications
represented by the question of what can we do after having had so much fun.
I have some ideas, but what Bruce is suggesting is more like a research
program, and not something to be whipped off early in the morning after an
exciting day.

Bill Williams

[From Kenny Kitzke (2004.04.18)]

<Rick Marken (2004.04.17.2050)>

<I’m signing off of CSGNet, I will not be coming to the CSG meeting this
summer, and I will no longer be participating in CSG (all these
decisions were made with my darling Linda’s support and endorsement).>

I am very disappointed to learn of this. Your contributions to my understanding of PCT will be sorely missed. Please tell your darling that I will miss her and the memories of her at The Getty will be with me and cherished always. I wish both of you the very best perceptions in life.

<I’m posting this information to the net so that all those who might not
be attending CSG meetings or participating on CSGNet on my account will know that I will no longer be participating in either of these venues.>

I am also disappointed to see you throw in this last little dig. I guess it is just part of who you are. It is perhaps understandable, and certainly forgivable.

I can assure you that I intend and intended to come to the Conference and participate on CSGNet whether or not you were involved in either or slamming the door on me or others. I do hope we see you both back again among the PCTers. If not, I shall always wonder, “Did the Aliens Eat Rick Marken?”

“Even doubtful accusations leave a stain behind them.”

Thomas Fuller (1654-1734)


[From Bryan Thalhammer (2004.04.18.1045 CDT)]

If we cannot tempt the bullies to leave the room, we will establish a room
elsewhere. The bullies may continue ranting and playing the fool here, but
the rest of us simply have no time dealing with the disturbances caused by
the ranting.

Bill W., I have not seen a post from you in quite a bit, and Marc, I have
not seen any of your notes. You both know that my PC is post-moderating your
notes to the trash. Are you minding your manners? Because, clearly, this is
not something I take joy in, even though you may take joy in seeing Rick
leave. I don't.

Let's see what will happen.

--Bryan Thalhammer

Rick, I'm not surprised at your decision but unhappy. For me, you were
one of those from whom I've learned a lot.
I hope you will use all the extra time you now have to write the
definitive book that turns perceptual control theory into a common
best wishes, David


On Saturday, April 17, 2004, at 08:50 PM, Rick Marken wrote:

[From Rick Marken (2004.04.17.2050)]

I'm signing off of CSGNet, I will not be coming to the CSG meeting this
summer, and I will no longer be participating in CSG (all these
decisions were made with my darling Linda's support and endorsement).
I will finish keeping the books for the meeting this summer but after
that those who have an interest in the continued existence of CSG can
get the treasury funds and books from me.

I'm posting this information to the net so that all those who might not
be attending CSG meetings or participating on CSGNet on my account will
know that I will no longer be participating in either of these venues.

Best regards

Richard S. Marken
Home 310 474-0313
Cell 310 729-1400

Dr. David Wolsk
Associate, Centre for Global Studies
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Education
University of Victoria, Canada