FTP Server Wanted for PCT Demos

[from Gary Cziko 971028.1646 GMT]

As some of you may have noticed recently when trying to retrieve Bill
Powers's MS-DOS demo programs via the CSG website, the linked FTP server
has not been working.

This was caused by a recent change in both hardware and software at the
University of Illinois College of Education webserver which has left it
without FTP capability.

Since our server is a Macintosh machine, it is not particularly friendly to
MS-DOS files and FTP software. I understand that it should be possible to
re-install our FTP server, but I am the only one in our College requiring
such capability and so it is not a high priority for our network gurus.
And while Bill has FTP capability via his Internet provider, it is quite
limited in the disk space he can use without having to pay extra service

Therefore, I would like to know if someone on CSGnet has a dependable FTP
server that could be used to store and distribute a few megabytes of Bill's
files. I think it is important that these demos be available via the
Internet since they provide a wonderful introduction to the phenomenon of
perceptual control and the PCT approach to behavioral modeling.

Please respond to me directly at g-cziko@uiuc.edu, not to CSGnet.
