[from Shannon Williams (2004.06.10,23:55 CST)]
[From Bjorn Simonsen YG (2004.06.10,21:45 EuST)]
It sounds to me like the hearing aide or private technique
described below emphasizes deferent perceptions, which
activate(?) different controls for the stutterer.
I may be uncertain what ‘to activate’ denotes in PCT. Maybe you can help me?
By definition, a controlled perception is associated with atleast one control loop. In speech, there are many concurrent controlled perceptions. I used the verb ‘activate’ and the noun ‘controls’ to communicate this concept. (I like using active verbs.)
I cant understand how a distraction can allow anybody to bypass a control of a perception. Can you explain that for me?
A group of control loops, such as a human, does not process all control loops equally. It would be unable to act when conflicting controls are activated. A ‘distraction’ would occur when a low-ranking control loop is given high enough priority to be processed.