[From: Bruce Nevin (Wed 930120 07:45:27)]
I'll keep an eye out for Fonseca's summary. This is in case
anyone wants to contact him directly, or to listen in on the
Genetic Algorithms Digest Thursday, January 14, 1993 Volume 7 : Issue 1
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[ . . . ]
From: carlos fonseca <fonseca@acse.sheffield.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 92 15:24:02 GMT
Subject: GAs in Control
I would liked to learn about what people are using GAs for in the Control
Engineering field. References to published papers, or even draft copies of
these sent to me by e-mail, would be particularly appreciated. I am to
write an overview of GAs in Control as part of my doctoral work.
Provided there is sufficient response, I also intend to submit a review to
Thanks for any help,