Gads what a disaster!

<[Bill Leach 940828.22:06 EST(EDT)]

[Rick Marken (940827.2200)]

Gads, I don't know how long it is going to take me to clear up this mess
that I created with the software "upgrade!"

Humm, this really IS interesting. Now I am beginning to think that we
disagree a great deal less than I originally thought. Have to think
about the "inferred garbage" that I must have "tacked" onto whatever you
were saying when you "waxed political". :slight_smile:

...probably to certainly...

OK, I just have a tendency to sometimes go easy with more forceful
statements (it reduces the likelyhood of chewing on the CRT later).


This might be better thought of as the ability to control freely (or at
least relatively freely) some objects in the environment. Even in
communal societies, the individuals expect to share in the wealth (food,
shelter, whatever).

Your stated position on guns is one that in principle I believe that I
can agree with. I am concerned that there really is a concerted effort
to use all laws related to gun for the purpose of denying them to private
citizens by some politicians and "leaders" but that actually is somewhat
of a seperate issue.

Gun safety and hunter safety training is very important. Achieving a
marksman status typically results in "no shots fired" self-defense as
well. When such programs are used for the purpose of fostering safe use,
even if mandated by law, I can support such programs.

Can't we agree to some regulations for these things?

Yes, at least for a start, we can agree that some regulations are in the
best interests of everyone. Just what they should be and how to
implement them is probably another difficult matter. I suspect though
that even in that area any differences that we might have will be more
related to our individual beliefs concerning potential for abuses of the
"power" rather than the "intentions" of the regulations.
