{from Joel Judd 950324.0800 CST}
Rick's post yesterday, which mentioned the CROWD program, reminded of
something I saw a couple of days ago. If you have kids, or the Disney
Channel (or both), the next time the _Making of the Lion King_ is on,
check out the part where they show some of the computer programs used to
enhance the animal "crowd" scenes. One they show is an aerial shot of
two groups of wildebeast (I think) running towards each other, then
through each other, without colliding. Of course, they don't go into
programming detail, but I couldn't help but think of the CROWD program.
So if you are looking for some work, you might check out animation
TO: CSG-L INTERNET Any user on the Internet, not at DESE Proj. Box
FROM: JUDDJ DESEINST Joel Judd - DESE - Division of Instruction
DATE: March 25, 1995
SUBJECT: Gainful Employment?