[From Oded Maler 920703]
A-propos vacations:
Tomorrow I start to drive from Rennes to Aix in order to participate
in the CACS summer school (hopefully will arrive there despite of the
barriers of the truck drivers). Then I'll go to Grenoble looking for a
house (reading CSG-net is not a sufficient condition to get a
permanent position, as I discovered) and return here toward the
end of July. But probably will have access to e-mail everywhere.
There were some very interesting postings recently especially from
Martin and Bill which I hope to comment on when I return. Just a small
technical comment on Bill's fair description of 'Brooks from PCT point
of view': maybe in the higher levels, when you cannot add/substract
abstract symbols, interaction between behaviors by enable/disable with
priorities is reasonable. If you have 'approach food' and 'escape
enemies' ECSs both trying to put their opposite reference signals on
the same motor when 'food' and 'enemy' are close to each other, I'm
not sure addition/subtraction is the best way.
Best to all and cheer up.