From Greg Williams (930123)
How's this margin width, Gary? Better speak with Mr. Kurtzer about
his, too. THANKS for the video! We'll probably view it tonight (ca. 3
Rick Marken (930122.0800)
We now apparently have several "real" roboticts listening
in on the net. How about asking them to provide a "requirements
document" for such a robot.
I second the motion. Chris? John? Other robot researchers? Please!
Bill Powers (930122.1430)
And how!!! (Today there are proud folks here at CSG Book Publishing.)
I suggest proposing D.T. Campbell as a reviewer. Gary has his address.
I would LOVE to contribute to the replies to reviews. Might all
interested netters be able to put in their two cents toward a edited
"group" reply?
Avery Andrews 930123.1825
So I think
there's got to be some kind of `myths about feedback' article included
to function as a preface. Something along the lines of Bill's
`Objections to PCT posting' (covering feedback too slow and
deafferentation), but dressed in full academic battle gear.
Last year, soon after the arm paper was returned, Bill spoke with me
about working up a summary of the history of the "feedback too slow"
myth for inclusion in an expanded arm paper to be submitted to
BIOLOGICAL CYBERNETICS (or some other journal). I haven't had time to
do it, and you seem to be well-immersed in the subject, so why not
continue your explorations and write them up? You are absolutely
correct that such an article is needed (whether standalone or as part
of the arm documentation). You're probably halfway there, at least.
Linguistics can wait, right?
As ever,