<Bob Clark (940423.1400 EDT)>

Tom Baines (940419.15:45 CDT) Subject: GROUP DECISION MAKING

The report of your experience is interesting. Back when we were
developing PCT I had the impression that experiments of these kinds
were being done. I don't recall any details, but there didn't seem to
be much coming out of those studies.

I appreciate your reported conclusion, in agreement with my
observation, "that groups don't make decisions - individuals make
decisions, etc."

Your further remarks beginning with reference to Martin Taylor's
"layered protocols," are also quite consistent with my description.

I'd like to point out that my recent post on Group Decisions was
concerned with the operation of the Decision Making Entities (DMEs)
of each individual. I reported externally observed activities of the
individuals as a demonstration of the internal activities of their
own individual DME's.

In this case, the resulting decision was important to the individual
appellant as well as to those responsible for the group result. In
fact, we were not 100% in agreement, yet a binding decision was made.

This seems to me to differ in several important ways with the
experimental "decisions" you describe.

Thank for your response -- there are many studies of group
interactions that can and should be done.

Mediation vs Arbitration. As a result of my contacts with the local
Human Resources Department I now have two very pertinent books on
Mediation. They are both by Roger Fisher: Getting to YES, Penguin,
1983; and Getting Together, Penguin, 1989. Anyone working with
groups of people (two or more) will find them both very interesting,
appropriate and helpful.

Regards, Bob Clark