Hal to Martin--241193 both messages--just after 11am--on feedback patterns

Message and the one I'm responding to--241193, just after 11 am est.
Okay? l&p hal

I believe, as I read, that much of the occurrence of positive and
negative feedback is essentially random to y'all, stochastic one might
say. Yes, I'll grant that the mechanisms are important to understand.
I have never denied the importance of understanding control as PCT
defines it. The PCT model (I call a system enclosed in definitions of
key variables a model) has its limits, that's all.

Rick, was it not, was surprised by the student's inability to get
lines to meet or cross a circle. My model indicates cues in Rick and
his student's interaction to see how the feedback cycle of disruption
becomes, and persists in being, positive--how Rick and the student are
driving one another out of control.

Don't let my silence on the point indicate that I thought my earlier
messages were rambling irrelevancy. I just take you at your word that
that is how you received them, and to tell the truth, I'm enjoying a
stint of just plain conversing message-to-message on the net.

Our capacity for control rests on our choice of how to define the
matter at hand...l&p hal