Hi Rick;
I hope that you are just temporarily frustrated sir.
In the tirade that took place a month or so ago (Ed and company), I
remember a "charge" against you concerning your contribution (or lack
thereof) to "bringing someone to PCT". Unfortunately, I only read this
by obtaining the log files and thus read it about a week ago.
I am more than willing to "stand to your defense" in the sense that you
more than anyone, is responsible for the degree to which I understand
PCT. Of course that may not necessarily be something for which you would
want to "take credit". Regardless, as I have said on the net before, I
credit your tenacity and demand for precision of expression as the single
most important contribution from CSG-L to my understanding.
Without your efforts I would still be thinking and "talking" in much
looser PCT terms and yes, I would probably fail to recognize the real
genius in posting such a Dick's recent contribution (and much of Bill's
efforts too).
Additionally, everytime that I have seen the "aftermath" of a set of your
postings that "created a major disturbance", the aftermath has ALWAYS
eventually evolved to the point where it contained a great deal of
valuable thought -- thought that might well have not otherwise been
expressed and discussed.
You, far more than anyone, are the guy that does not let csg-l just
"muddy around" with everyone in a state of mindless boredom. Beside, in
"good guy/bad guy", "good guy" doesn't work well without "bad guy" and
you are such a GOOD "bad guy"! 
I know now, and think that you do as well, that PCT can be spoken in more
than one language but it MUST translate or it is not PCT. The Roman
Catholic Church has it right in that regard -- there is now and has
always been only one official language for the chuch and that is of
course Latin. The Latin version of anything with respect to the church
is the only official version and it must be that way if there is to be
only one "Canon".
Thus with PCT, it is here that the "canonical" version is held. Anyone
can effect a change or improvement but they must do it here and abide by
the rules governing science as understood here.
I think that you understand this but I don't think that you realize how
important you are to that process. While Bill does not yield to sloppy
"PCT", he is also too polite, too gentle at times. You are the one that
"jumps" on things that could easily have two meaning where one would
clearly not be good PCT. You are the skeptic, the critic and as such you
will always be the target of "bad guy" comments by people not necessarily
alert to just how important the "bad guy" is to scientific honesty.
Please don't go away. I certainly can not hope to fill your shoes and I
doubt that anyone else would even try.