Hi Abdollah

[From Rick Marken (950911.1420)]

I received a private post from a fellow named Abdollah (I lost the post so I
don't have the last name). I tried mailing a reply to his return address
(a@neda.net.ir) but it bounced three times. So I'm taking the liberty of
putting this on the net in case Abdollah can get it that way.



Hi Abdollah --

I have enjoyed reading the postings while I received them and I have seen
refrencs to a book Freedom from Stress in your replies to Ed Ford.

Thanks. I'm really glad you enjoyed the postings. I wish you could stay on
the net.

Freedom From Stress and other books by Ed Ford are avaiable from:

Brandt Publishing: Edward E. Ford Telephone & Fax: (602) 991-4860
10209 North 56th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85253-1130 USA

The books and prices are as follows:

Freedom From Stress, Book @ $10.00 _______
Love Guaranteed, Book @ $ 9.00 _______
Love Guaranteed, Video @ $20.00 _______
Discipline for Home and School, Book @ $10.00 _______
Arizona residents please add sales tax, 6%. Tax _______
Shipping & Handling (world wide) @ $3.50 _3.50__
Prepaid: Check, money order Total _______

More detailed intoductions to PCT can be obtained from any of the following
books, that are avaiable through New View publishing. I, of course, recommend
my own book -- the one called MIND READINGS.

New View: Fred Good Telephone: (919) 942-8491
P.O. Box 3021 Chapel Hill, NC 27515-3021 USA Fax: (919) 942-3760

___ ea BEHAVIOR: THE CONTROL OF PERCEPTION (Powers) @ $41.95 _______
___ ea INTRODUCTION TO MODERN PSYCHOLOGY (Robertson @ $25.00 _______
___ ea LIVING CONTROL SYSTEMS (Powers) @ $16.50 _______
___ ea LIVING CONTROL SYSTEMS II (Powers) @ $22.00 _______
___ ea MIND READINGS (Marken) @ $18.00 _______
___ ea PCT Introduction and Resource Guide Free _N/C__
       North Carolina residents add sales tax, 6%. Tax _______
       Shipping & Handling (see schedule below) _______
       Prepaid: Check, money order Total _______

I wonder if you could give me more info on its particulars and I will try to
get a copy, though this is not an easy job from here.

Where are you?

I design and make control systems though not at all at the levels you
people are talking about.

I think you would be surprised. We make very simple control systems; we are
just trying to apply control theory properly to human behavior.

Please let me know if you may need anything from these parts of the

All we need are people like you who are interested in understanding
perceptual control theory.

Feel free to contact me any time.

