
[From Kent McClelland 950323]

Hello to my many friends in CSG-Land! I'm dropping a note to say that I
will be monitoring CSG-L again for the next week or so, after a long
absence. I've been in nomail-mode on the net for the past several months
because of my extreme busyness this winter with my teaching, chairing, etc.

One highlight of the last several months for me has been the appearance in
print of my much-revised article on PCT for sociologists. The citation is
as follows:

McClelland, Kent. 1994. "Perceptual control and social power."
Sociological Perspectives 37(4):461-496.

I would be happy to mail out reprints of the article in its final version.
Just e-mail a request to me direct. If someone can remind me how, I'll
also send an electronic version of the manuscript minus the diagrams (which
haven't changed much from earlier drafts) to the Internet location where
PCT manuscripts are stored. The second (sociological) half of the article
which appeared in print is almost entirely rewritten and, I hope, improved
from the earlier drafts I circulated in 1991 and 1992.

I was intending to come to the CSG conference in Durango this summer, but
my schedule isn't working out quite right. I'll be spending the months of
June and July on a college-sponsored program in Somerset in southwestern
England, and I won't get back till a week after the conference takes place.
While I'm certainly looking forward to a summer in the beautiful British
countryside, I regret not having the chance to renew acquaintances with my
CSG friends. Too bad there isn't another Wales conference this summer!

Things should be considerably less hectic for me in the fall, because I'll
be going on sabbatical for the 1995-96 school year. My first major project
will be to finish a draft an article summarizing my most recent attempts to
reconceptualize sociology from the PCT perspective. I do hope there'll be
an opportunity some time next year to get together with folks who share
similar interests.


Kent McClelland Phone: Office 515-269-3134
Professor of Sociology Home 515-236-7002
Grinnell College Fax 515-269-4985
Grinnell, IA 50112-0810 USA E-Mail: MCCLEL@AC.GRIN.EDU