[From Rick Marken (950116.1230)]
Chuck Tucker and Martin Taylor have recently posted data that seemed
(to them) to pose "problems" for the basic PCT model of behavior.
Martin Taylor (950116 12:10) --
It's becoming a tedious refrain: "Rick, where did you get the idea I
said anything like that?"
Well, let's see. Could it be things like:
I commented that these results did not provide the 95% plus correlation
with the data that is often cited as a requirement for believing in the
validity of a model.
Now, call me crazy, but it sounds like you are saying that your results did
not provide the 95% plus correlation with the data that is often cited as a
requirement for believing in the validity of a model. Is it really such a
stretch to say that you are saying that these data pose a problem for the
basic PCT MODEL. Isn't "invalidity" a problem for a model?
You act like I'm accusing you of "disloyalty" to PCT; I'm not. The data you
cite does pose a problem for the basic PCT model. I wasn't opposed to your
bringing up the fact that this data poses a problem; I was pointing out that,
before concluding that it DOES pose a problem, one should be sure that the
data are good (that the data really represent the process of control). This
is especially true when you are dealing with a model that has regularly
accounted for 99% of the variance in the very tasks you are using. Before you
go off looking for variations in the model that can give you better fits to
the data, it is best to figure out why your results are not like those
obtained in equivalent experiments that have been done before. Looking to
revise and improve the PCT model based on your data is like a chemistry
student looking to revise and improve the periodic table based on the results
of his lab results. I'd look for evidence of sloppy procedure before looking
for ways to "improve" the fit of the basic model.
Besides, it looks like the basic control model fits your data awfully well
(Martin Taylor (950106 11:10)). The fits, measured as correlations, are
generally greater than .98. The worst fit was .94 and in that case the
tracking error was nearly double what it was in the other runs.
One thing you might do (and perhaps we should always do this when we fit
model to data) is estimate the proportion of the variance in the data that is
_predictable_ by the model. This can be done if we can have repeated runs
with the same subject controlling a variable against the same disturbance.
Lets say that we measure variations in the cursor, c, handle, h and
disturbance, d, on two separate runs of a compensatory tracking task. On both
runs, d is exactly the same. So the "split half" correlation, r12, between
variations of d (d1 and d2) on the two runs is 1.0. The "split half"
correlation between variations in c and h on the two runs will not be as
high. The "split half" correlation between variations in c on the two runs is
likely to be low (unless control is poor) -- say r12 is about 0.45. The
"split half" correlation between variations in h on the two runs is likely to
be quite high -- but not perfect -- say about .97. Assuming that these
"split-half" correlations reflect the correlation of two quantities each
having the same predictable part but independent random parts, the proportion
of variance in the SUM of the two parts (c1+c2 or h1+h2) is
Vp = r12/[r12+1/2(1-r12)]
where Vp is the estimate of the proportion of variance in the sum that is
predictable and r12 is the "split half" correlation between variations in the
two components of the sum. (This formula was derived by my graduate advisor,
Al Ahumada). The value of Vp means that, if we use the basic PCT model to
account for the sum of, say, the handle movements on run 1 and run 2 (h1+h2)
we should expect the model to pick up no more than .97/(.97+.015) = .984 or
98% of the variance in the sum. That is, the maximum possible correlation
between model handle movements and the SUM of subject handle movements over
the two runs (h1+h2) is sqrt(.98) = .99. The maximum possible correlation
between the model and the sum of subject cursor movements over the two
runs (c1+c2) is sqrt (.45/(.45+ .275)) = sqrt(.62) = .79.
This "split-half" technique for estimating predictable variance requires that
we be able to present exactly the same disturbance on two separate
experimental runs, which is no problem in our computer experiments. It has
the virtue of letting people know how well they can expect to do at
predicting the variance in the variables in a control experiment uning ANY
model. The random component of the variance in these control tasks probably
comes mainly from slipping mice, lapses in attention and spontaneous
reversals. These things are not likely to occur on both runs of an experiment
-- nor are they likely to occur at the same point in any run so this "split-
half" technique is a good way to tell when these untoward contributions to
variance are present. Using summed data may not be very PCT-like but when Vp
is very high (.99+) then the sum of two runs is, for all practical purposes,
the same as a single run. Vp is actually a good way of measuring the
"quality" of the data. Even if control is poor, Vp will be high if there are
few contributions to the random component of the variance.