From Tom Bourbon [940519.1051]
Re: A message I received directly from concerning the
following conference:
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88 /_______/ /____ / \ /______/ \ /______/ \ 8 88
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88 __|_|/__ |/ \______|/ | | | | | | 88
88 /_______/ \ /_____/ |/ |/ |/ 88
88 88
88 88
88 Eighth International Conference on 88
88 Perception and Action 88
88 88
88 July 9-14, 1995 88
88 88
88 Marseille (France) 88
88 88
888====8888====8888====8888====8888====8888====8888====888This is a reminder for all people interested in attending the 8th
International Conference on Perception and Action, which will be held in
Marseille (France) from the 9th to the 14th of July, 1995.The formal deadline for symposium proposals is June 15th, 1994. Due to the
work that has to be done by the scientific committee, as well as by the
symposia organizers, we intend to respect this deadline.As a consequence, the organizing committee invites those wishing to
organize a symposium on one of the themes listed below or on any other
theme of their choice, to submit their proposals before this deadline.
Tom, now:
Now _that_ looks promising -- a conference on perception and action. Just
the sort of place to catch up on the latest mainstream ideas about how
actions control perceptions, right? Let's see now. which of the topics
suggested for the conference is closest to our work on PCT? It should be
something that includes both perception and action.
Tentative symposium topics :
This conference will include paper and poster sessions on a wide variety of
topics (not exclusively) related to the ecological approach to perception
and action. These topics include, but are not limited to, the following
areas:- Acoustics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Coordination
- Development and Learning
- Dynamical Themes in Perception and Action
- Event Recognition
- Human Factors
- Illusions and Reality
- Locomotion
- Movement Disorders
- Perceptual control of movement
- Picture Perception
- Social Affordances
- Speech and Language
- etc ...
Tom, now:
Hmm. In the thinking of the organizers, the closest fit between their
interests and our work would seem to be "perceptual control of movement."
I guess that's what we are studying, isn't it?
Who was it who told us that we were misrepresenting the _real_ ideas in the
mainstream -- that we were setting up straw-versions of contemporary ideas,
or that we were citing and refuting outdated that _no one_ really believes
any more?
PS I can provide forward the entire message about the conference if anyone
wants to see it.