[From Rick Marken (2008.09.01.1110)]
I just read that even after his brilliant, lovely acceptance speech
(which he probably wrote largely himself) Obama got no convention
bounce and that even after picking an inexperienced VP who believes in
creation science and state control of a woman's reproductive choices,
the polling shows the race statistically tied. I found this
depressing even though I think I have been able to do enough MOL on
myself to know why I might find it so.
I think I have a conflict: One side of the conflict wants to work hard
for Obama and be optimistic about the chances of this country becoming
admirable again; the other side of the conflict wants to accept the
very real possibility that McCain will win so that I won't fell
disappointed again. This conflict produces depression because I can't
act (by giving or not giving money and other support to Obama) without
creating error in one or the other side of the conflict. If I give
support to Obama I create error in the side of the conflict that wants
to avoid the disappointment of seeing McCain (and Palin) win; if I
don't give support to Obama I create error in the side of the conflict
that wants to be positive and work for what I perceive as a better
Just knowing that this conflict exists in me doesn't seem to help
much; I'm still depressed. Of course, this may be because I still
haven't found the true conflict. But I'm posting because I want to see
if any of you (Bill included, even though he hates me to talk about
this stuff) might be able to help. What I need, I think, is to be able
to see how a McCain/Palin presidency could seem like anything other
than a disaster, even with Democratic control of both Houses of
Congress (as seems likely). Maybe those of you out there who are
McCain/Palin supporters could do what Bill suggested when we have an
interpersonal conflict and tell me the higher order reasons why
electing McCain/Palin seems better to you than electing Obama/Biden?
Or just the higher level reasons why you favor Republican policies. If
I could see it your way then maybe I could overcome my conflict and
not worry so much about the results of this election. I want to learn
to stop worrying and love the Republicans;-) I want to know how one
can still feel inclined to vote Republican after what the US (and the
world, for that matter) has gone though in the last 71/2 years.
Thanks in advance for you help.
Richard S. Marken PhD