[From Rick Marken (950322.0800)]
Bruce Abbott (950321.1900 EST) --
although I agree with you that the phenomenon of stimulus control
is essentially a side-effect of control, I don't see it as "irrelevant." If
you wish to understand what someone will do when conditions
change, you will have to learn what effect this disturbance has on
controlled perceptions, and what means the person has at his or her
disposal to correct that disturbance.
And how the means the person has available to correct that disturbance
actually affect the controlled variable at the instant that the person is
affecting that variable and ...
In other words, we have to know many things we usually don't (and can't) know
if we want to understand what a person will do when conditions (disturbances,
feedback funcitons) change. That's why we usually don't care what a person
will do in response to a particular disturbance. All we want to know is what
variable(s) the person is controlling. Once we determine a controlled
variable (usually by looking for lack of effect of a distrubance on the
variable) we can assume that the person will do what is necessary to keep
that variable in a reference state.
The "stimulus control" observed in response to certain disturbances of a
controlled variable is as irrelevant to control as the name written by the
person controlling the knot in the rubber band demo. The fact that "stimulus
control" is occuring is irrelevant to the controller and it is irrelevant to
the person observing the controller because it tells the observer nothing at
all about what is being controlled; or, for that matter, whether or not
control is even occuring.
Did you say that your demo is a hypercard stack? I hate to admit it,
but I DO own a Mac. How about posting the stack?
Hey. I hate to admit that I own a PC;-)
I'll tidy up the stack and post it in a few days. I like this demo alot, if
I do say so myself.
I doubt that many in EAB would find your demo surprising.
I think it is absolutely impossible to surprise or astound conventional
psychologists with any of our demos. I thought my "mind reading" demo would
blow the lid off conventional psychology. But nooo. I presented it to an
audience of cognitive psychologists at my old graduate alma mater, for
example; they thought it was cute but no problem at all for conventional
Yeah. Right.
I imagine that a clever enough reinforcement theorist would be able
to "account" for the effects of your proposed disturbances, although it
is easy to see (to me anyway) that the control model elegantly handles
these effects without additional assumptions.
The "clever" reinforcement theorist will simply be BSing; he has no way to
build a working model of the behavior observed in my demo because that
behavior is a side-effect of control and reinforcement theory is NOT a theory
of control. (That, by the way, is why I keep wincing when you talk about PCT
as an _alternative_ to reinforcement theory. How can PCT be an alternative to
a theory that doesn't explain control? It's like saying that Newton's laws
are an alternative to astrology; control theory is a working model of a real
phenomenon; reinforcement theory is a lot of blather aimed at explaining the
illusion of environmental control).
I'm not sure that your modelling approach to explaining "stimulus control"
will be any more convincing to our clever reinforcement theorist than the
results of my demo -- though I certaintly hope it is. Of course, once you
complete the model it will behave just like a subject in my demo; the model
will show "stimulus control" given the first type of disturbance and no
stimulus control given the second. That is, "stimulus control" will be an
irrelevant side effect of the controlling done by the model. But the "clever"
reinforcement theorist can just say "yeah, but that model is a reinforcement
model -- it gets reinforced by seeing a particular pattern of cursor/target
relationships; these relationships cause the model to respond according to
stimulus control or not". Yeah. Right.
I guess my bias is to start explaining control theory to reinforcement
theorists in terms of _phenomena_. The control model is not what causes the
problem for reinforcent theorists - - the control model has been around for
years, it's pretty simple, it's well known to reinforcement theorists and
it's almost always applied to behavior incorrectly. What causes the problem
for reinforcement theoristys is the observation that consistently produced
behavioral results - - bar presses, figure eights, spoken words, etc -- are
controlled results: in other words, the problem for reinforcement theorists
is that behavior IS control, not in theory but in FACT. Reinforcement
theorists don't even know that the phenomenon of control EXISTS! My demo
shows that the phenomenon of control DOES exit -- the subject is clearly
maintaining a logical variable in a reference state despite varying
disturbances. It also shows that one possible side effect of the phenomenon
of control is the appearance of "stimulus control".
I hate to say it, but you're starting to sound like B.F. He thought his
observations were "theory-free," too. (;->
You're right; my observations of behavior are not theory free. They are
filtered through well established physical models of reality. My
demonstration of "stimulus control" is theory free only in the sense
that it is free of any psychological theory. You don't need control theory
in order to see that the subject in my demo is controlling the relationship
between cursor color and cursor position; that relationship would NOT
continue to happen (based on what we know of the physics of the situation) if
the subject's outputs were not systematically being varied in order to keep
it happening. HOW that controlling happens is another question (which you
are answering with your model); but there is no question THAT it is
happening; the subject in the demo is controlling and, depending on the
nature of the disturbance to cursor position, there can be the appearance of
"stimulus control" or not.
Good luck at the meeting, by the way. I'm hope that you will be able to
convince all those EAB types that they have been studying irrelevant side
effects of controlling for the last 50+ years. But they're all probably
looking forward to learning that. Yeah. Right;-)