It's a small world after all...

[From Rick Marken (950828.1130)]

Joel Judd (950828.0900 CST) --

Well, I was going to respond to Rick (950825.1130). Assuming he's just
in the Social Skills classroom and not floating face down amidst the
kelp off of Catalina

Yes, I'm in the Social Skills classroom; but I like that Catalina idea. Maybe
I'll bust out and cruise on over; it's a beautiful day for island hopping:-)

I think this dialog on applications has been real helpful to me; as the
designated "problem child" of the net I am getting a good sense of what a PCT
"discipline" program is like from the point of view of the disciplinee.

If this is applied PCT, I'm going back to behavior mod;-)

Nice post, Joel.

