It's over

From [ Marc Abrams (2003.04.09.1137) ]

It’s OVER. Just a few minutes ago I witnessed something I thouhgt I was fighting for 35 years ago. The citizens of Bahgdad, with the help of an American M88 Tank recovery vehicle and some Marines, tore down a statue of Saddam Insane in the middle of the city. Hundreds of Iraqi citizens sang and jumped up and down in jubilation waving Iraqi and American flags as the statue fell to the ground. Liberation, not conquest was at hand. It was a very sobering moment for me. In a way I feel vindicated. It might seem crazy to some but I felt as if I was there. I felt like I was with our GI’s throughout this effort, and as Bill so eloquently put it yesterday these last two days have been very special to me.

Hopefully this will be the beginning of something useful and good. Many people remain skeptical. ( me included :-)). Can democracy work in Iraq?, Will others`( people, not governments ) in the Middle East ( Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc ) feel emboldened to try it? Many questions remain. I believe we did the right thing. I think the Iraqi people think we did the right thing.

35 years is a long time to hang on to something. It feels great to be finished. Thanks Bill, thanks Bruce G
