[from Joel Joel 930616]
Ah but controlled variables must be satisfied, right?
...Jack Mormons. I believe the implication was just as you can't
get a jackass to come around to your way of doing things...
My understanding of this term has been different, but perhaps more
intriguing from a PCT point of view. Jack
Mormons referred to those who wished to receive the perceived
"benefits" of church membership, but without complying with the
prerequisites (i.e. baptism, tithing. etc.). Sometimes they were
also called "dry-land Mormons" for their aversion to water.
But this seems to have many parallels in social organizations,
doesn't it? How many times have we, or others we see, want to claim
the advantages or benefits which accrue from belonging to a
particular group, but without fulfilling particular requirements?
I'm certainly guilty of this.
Joel Judd