
[from Gary Cziko 920601.22.30]

I've noticed a bit more jargon showing up on the net lately, stuff like
"imho" standing for "in my humble opinion."

While I have no intention of changing anyone's communication style, I would
like to remind CSGnetters that a quite significant proportion of our
subscribers are not native speakers of English (indeed, this net is quite
international, as it should be) . I am continually impressed by how so
many of these non-native English users are able to communicate so well in
English and I would hope to keep CSGnet discussions as understandable for
them (as well as for us native English users) as possible.

On the other hand, I kind of like the little icons like :slight_smile: although it did
take me a while to figure out that this was a smiling face sideways.
Perhaps someone (Bruce Nevin?) could post a list of these and what they
mean (compare :-p ). These might substitute for the loss of intonation
which caused Marken's sarcasm to be misinterpreted.--Gary


Gary A. Cziko Telephone: (217) 333-4382
Educational Psychology FAX: (217) 244-0538
University of Illinois E-mail: g-cziko@uiuc.edu
1310 S. Sixth Street Radio: N9MJZ
210 Education Building
Champaign, Illinois 61820-6990