John Flach

[From Dick Robertson,2003.08.12.1640CDT]

Bill Powers wrote:

[From Bill Powers (2003.08.11.0815 MDT)]

Rick Marken (2003.08.11.1830)--

Just to update those interested:

A month or two ago, John Flach of Wright State College wrote a joint paper
with Rick and me on a PCT model of pursuit tracking. The conclusion of the
paper was that long-established ideas about adaptation of human control
systems were upset by finding that a control system could control under
highly variable conditions -- without any change in its internal
characteristics. The appearance of adaptation under different load
conditions proved to be an illusion.

John felt this was a highly significant finding. Rick and I both admired him
for coming to this view, as he was the co-author of a book, just published,
in which adaptation was featured in at least one major chapter (chapter 14,
for those who have the book, "Control theory for humans" by Jagacinski and

A quick comment from the "soft science" side of CSG. Yessir, if I understood
your comment correctly, John Flach would seem to be one of those incredibly
rare and precious individuals who, with a large stake in some status quo, has
the bigness of mind to averre that he might have had a wrong idea.

Such a person should not go uncelebrated.

Best, Dick R

[From Rick Marken (2003.08.14.1145)]

Jeff Vancouver, (2003.08.14.1258 EST)

Can I get a copy of that ["Adaptation Illusion" - rsm] paper from one of you?

I think the paper is going to take some more time. One of the authors is still
reorganizing. As soon as we have a final version I'll send out copies to those
who want them, if all the authors agree.




Richard S. Marken, Ph.D.
Senior Behavioral Scientist
The RAND Corporation
PO Box 2138
1700 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138
Tel: 310-393-0411 x7971
Fax: 310-451-7018

[from Jeff Vancouver, (2003.08.14.1258 EST)]

Can I get a copy of that paper from one of you?



-----Original Message-----
From: Control Systems Group Network (CSGnet)
[mailto:CSGNET@LISTSERV.UIUC.EDU] On Behalf Of Richard Robertson
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: John Flach

[From Dick Robertson,2003.08.12.1640CDT]

Bill Powers wrote:

[From Bill Powers (2003.08.11.0815 MDT)]

Rick Marken (2003.08.11.1830)--

Just to update those interested:

A month or two ago, John Flach of Wright State College wrote a joint


with Rick and me on a PCT model of pursuit tracking. The conclusion of


paper was that long-established ideas about adaptation of human


systems were upset by finding that a control system could control


highly variable conditions -- without any change in its internal
characteristics. The appearance of adaptation under different load
conditions proved to be an illusion.

John felt this was a highly significant finding. Rick and I both

admired him

for coming to this view, as he was the co-author of a book, just


in which adaptation was featured in at least one major chapter

(chapter 14,

for those who have the book, "Control theory for humans" by Jagacinski



A quick comment from the "soft science" side of CSG. Yessir, if I
your comment correctly, John Flach would seem to be one of those
rare and precious individuals who, with a large stake in some status
quo, has
the bigness of mind to averre that he might have had a wrong idea.

Such a person should not go uncelebrated.

Best, Dick R